Reasons to Consider Installing a New Fireplace
If you love fireplaces but either don’t have one or you do have one that isn’t performing as you wish it would, a new gas or wood zero-clearance (ZC) fireplace might be exactly what you need in your home.
Here are three of the most popular reasons homeowners purchase new fireplaces.
1. Upgrade from an existing masonry fireplace
Traditional open masonry fireplaces might look nice, but they’re not great at producing enough heat during our long, cold Connecticut winters.
Because the system is “open,” the majority of the heat produced by a masonry fireplace goes right up the chimney, never to return. A closed-combustion system, on the other hand, as found in modern zero-clearance fireplaces, greatly minimizes heat loss.
Gas and wood ZC fireplaces retain as much as 80% and more of their heat and make it available to keep you warm. By comparison, most masonry fireplaces are lucky to preserve 20% of their heat – and often the percentage is much less.
You’ll notice the difference the first time you fire up your new fireplace and wonder why you didn’t make the switch sooner.
2. Changeout of an old factory-built fireplace
Another popular reason for purchasing a new fireplace is to replace an older zero-clearance unit that no longer performs up to expectations or is laboring under years of wear and tear.
By finding a model that uses the same fuel and is generally the same size as your current fireplace, doing a changeout is a simple operation when performed by trained installers.
If you desire to move up to a larger, more powerful gas or wood fireplace, it’s still a simple process as factory-built zero-clearance fireplaces can be installed easily in virtually any wall in your home. Heavy-duty insulation allows these units to be placed in close proximity to walls, insulation and other home building materials without the risk of fire or damage.
ZC fireplaces come with their own vent system, so you won’t need to construct a chimney. This further simplifies the process, whether it’s a changeout or a first-time installation.
3. Enhance your home’s aesthetics
If your home is lacking a fireplace, you’re missing out on a significant decorative centerpiece. Modern factory-built fireplaces come in a wide range of colors, finishes, shapes and styles to enhance the décor of any room or home.
When visualizing your home with a fireplace, don’t stop with the appliance. Consider a handsome raised hearth, a lovely surround that brings more personality and zest to the fireplace area and a beautiful set of fireplace tools. In a very short time, you can literally transform your room from drab to dazzling.
Get the fireplace you want
The fireplace experts at Northeastern Chimney of West Hartford, CT, would love to help you in choosing the perfect new gas or wood-burning fireplace. We’ll make sure you go with a unit that matches your heating and performance needs as well as your own particular unique decorative tastes.
We’ll then install your new fireplace in a way that’s safe and in compliance with all local building and fire-safety regulations. When our experienced team installs a fireplace, it’s done right the first time.
Talk with a hearth professional today at (860) 233-5770.
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