The Chimney Pot is Not What You Think…
A chimney pot has become popular in recent years. They provide a decorative top to the chimney finishing the look and feel of a detailed house. Most times, chimneys are finished with a metal tube that can keep out water, debris, snow, animals and other items that can easily make its way into the home. There’s nothing wrong with a metal topping, it serves its purpose. However, sometimes, you want something that can protect the home yet have it be done in a more ‘stylish’ way.
Call Us at 877-959-3534 for Chimney Service
What is a Chimney Pot?
The chimney pot starting in the 18th and 19th centuries when burning coal was the method for heating homes. The chimney pot, made from terra-cotta, is a material that stays cool when heat is present. However, the terra-cotta chimney pot was used to extend the chimney stack height in order to increase the amount of air so it reduces fumes and soot in the home.
Beyond the use of the chimney pot, it was also used as a decorative or architectural piece. The more decorative, the more it represented wealth and stature. Today, it’s all about the design. The designs match the various style homes including contemporary, traditional, Victorian and more. The chimney pot can still represent wealth, but it is more about the details…the finishing touches to a home.
Decorative Chimney Cap – Copper
If you’ve decided you’re not a fan of the chimney pot, not to worry. There are plenty of decorative chimney caps out there to choose from. One that seems to be a fan favorite is the copper chimney cap. Copper chimney caps are a very durable metal. They have corrosion-resistant properties which is similar to steel and the best part, is that it does not rust. Now, however, the downfall with copper is there is a bit of maintenance to it…if you don’t want the color copper to change. If you like it, then this is the perfect decorative cap for you.
Decorative Chimney Cap – Stainless Steel
Stainless steel chimney caps are great when you are searching for quality and affordability. Now, this doesn’t mean they can’t look decorative, they certainly can. However, you want something that is durable and lasts, stainless steel is the way to go as it is so tough it can be just about rust proof. The best part…no maintenance. Once it’s installed, it will look the same on day 1 as it will on day 1,001.
Customized Chimney Cap – Any Metal
Now you can go crazy and get a custom chimney cap made that matches the style home, with a single or multiple types of metals to give a unique look and feel. Some homeowners like to finish the look of their home with ‘capping’ it off with something unique. However, you like your home to look, just be sure to get something that matures well and provides low maintenance.
What’s Next?
So, now you want to explore chimney caps. Put this on your list for when your chimney technician comes out to your home to clean and inspect your chimney. He can discuss with you the various types of caps. By understanding your needs, the technician will share the choices and you can go from there! With the new year in full swing, let’s get the chimney and fireplace cleaned and checked with our 14-point inspection with photos so your chimney not only ‘looks’ good, but is in healthy shape as well.
Call Us at 877-959-3534 for Chimney Service
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