Month: June 2023

The Best Time of Year For Chimney Repairs

For many, this time of year is full of getting the kids ready for fall sports while trying to squeeze in a vacation. For others, it’s a time for home updates and repairs. Their spring and summer to-do lists often include landscaping work, washing windows, deep cleaning living spaces, and …chimney repairs? Yes, you read that right! While you might not be thinking about your fireplace at the moment, you should be. Here are a few reasons why now is the best time for masonry repairs.

Chimney Inspection Water Damage in Newington CTWater woes

Water is a basic necessity of life. Unfortunately, this is not the case with your masonry. Your chimney is exposed to the elements year-round. The porous nature of brick and mortar means that water can get in and cause damage, often large amounts before you are even aware.

This is where regular inspections play a part. During routine cleanings, our Northeastern Chimney techs will go over all parts of your chimney system. If they notice moisture, crumbling mortar, cracks, or stains (known as efflorescence), they can take care of the problem right away before it has a chance to set in deeper.

What kind of repairs exactly?

Let’s dive into the types of repairs that may be needed. If any crumbling mortar is found, this can be fixed by a process known as repointing. The damaged area is removed and fresh, color-matched mortar is re-applied. If the damage is limited to the joints only, it may only need tuckpointing.

Missing elements such as your crown or cap or damage to either of these can be repaired or replaced easily at this time as well. And lastly, a waterproof sealant can be applied to help shield against the elements.

But, why spring?

To get back to our original statement — that now is the right time for masonry repairs for multiple reasons — let’s look at the why for a moment. The biggest reason is temperature. Now that it is warming up outside, you are not using your chimney and fireplace. This makes it an ideal time to complete any necessary repairs.

Indeed, many masonry repairs should only be done in warmer temperatures. Simply put, these warmer months make for the optimal repair season and allow the materials to be set properly.

Getting ahead

Another benefit to scheduling your chimney inspection, cleaning, and any needed repairs during the spring is getting ahead of the fall rush. Waiting until the temperatures begin to drop or an early cold snap to make any repairs will have multiple downsides.

Chimney Flashing Repair in New Britain CT

First, you’re likely to be put on a waiting list. The dropping temps will have homeowners scrambling and cause a backlog in the system. Planning your repairs ahead will ensure you’re good to go when the mercury drops.

Second, as we mentioned previously, mortar repairs need to be made when the weather is dry and warm for everything to set and cure properly. Trying to complete chimney repairs in the fall could lead to more damage and even more costly repairs down the road.

That’s why now is the best time for chimney repairs

Our team is the best in the area and is ready to serve you whether you need a regular inspection, cleaning, or repairs. Contact Northeastern Chimney, LLC at 860-233-5770 or send our office a message online.

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7 Signs Your Chimney Needs Cleaning

Keeping a chimney clean is critical for safety and efficiency. Fluesbrothers Chimney & Fireplace of Kansas City, KS, would like to share seven of the most common signs that tell you it’s time to have your chimney professionally inspected and cleaned.

Certified Chimney Sweep Technicians in Overland Park KS1. Chimney fires

Not all chimney fires are big, blazing events. Many start and go out on their own without being noticed by people in the house. Black stains around the top of the chimney are a clue that there’s been a chimney fire. An active chimney fire often involves:

  • Clicking or tapping noises
  • A rumbling sound like that of a distant train
  • Excess smoke coming from either end of the chimney

Studies show that the majority of chimney fires are caused by ignited creosote. This substance forms when smoke condenses in the flue, and it’s unavoidable if you use a wood-burning fireplace. Professional chimney sweeping removes creosote.

2. Smoke backups

A flue that’s obstructed by excess creosote or debris may cause smoke and deadly carbon monoxide to back up into your home. Leaves, twigs and the nests of small animals are common types of debris found in chimneys. CSIA-certified chimney sweeps have the tools and training to get rid of all drafting obstructions.

3. Creosote on the damper and fireplace walls

If you see creosote buildup on your fireplace damper or in your firebox, it means there’s probably hidden creosote up in the flue. Visible creosote is a sign that your chimney needs to be cleaned.

4. Sluggish fires

Another problem with a flue blockage is that it can make it hard to get fires started and keep them burning robustly. The reason is a lack of air being pulled through the firebox. Fire needs sufficient air to burn brilliantly and completely.

5. Odors in the chimney

If you smell weird odors coming from your fireplace, there could be several causes:

  • A dead animal in the chimney
  • Excess moisture in the chimney (could be caused by a damaged or missing chimney cap or a leaky chimney)
  • High levels of built-up creosote and soot
  • Rotting debris
  • Mildew

6. Clay pieces in the firebox

Pieces of clay tile chimney liners in the firebox is a very bad sign. It means your chimney liner is falling apart and can cause flames and intense heat to come into contact with parts of the home near the chimney. Liner damage can also open a path for smoke and carbon monoxide to enter parts of the home. If you see clay pieces in your firebox, don’t use your fireplace again until the chimney liner has been inspected and repaired.

7. Animal sounds

Not all animals that move into chimneys end up dying. Some thrive in there. Birds, reptiles, rodents, squirrels and other small animals like to shelter inside chimneys. If you hear noises or, in the worst case, see one of them in your home, call a chimney sweep right away.

Chimney Video Inspection and Cleaning in Lenexa KS

The importance of regular chimney sweeping and inspections

Virtually every fire safety and hearth organization in the U.S. recommends annual chimney cleaning and inspection for wood-burning systems. Lives can be saved with this important maintenance step. Fluesbrothers is certified through the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), which provides the highest certification in the industry. We have the tools and experience to clean your chimney and restore safe and efficient operation. Speak with a chimney expert today at (913) 236-7141 or get in touch with our handy contact form.

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Repair Stone Chimney vs Brick: What’s Easier to Maintain

Repair a stone chimney is similar to repairing a brick and mortar chimney. Stone chimneys are made of large stones that are held together by mortar. It’s easy to think that stone chimneys do not deteriorate as quickly as brick and mortar chimneys due to the less porous nature of stones. Though the stones are typically denser, the mortar between the stones is the concern. So, what’s the difference between repair a stone chimney and repairing brick and mortar chimneys? Do stone chimneys require less maintenance? 

Water and Mortar Don’t Mix

Both stone and brick chimneys share the same structure. All chimney types should have a chimney cap, chimney crown, flashing, etc. Keeping up with the maintenance of the structure will keep your home and chimney safe from water deterioration, toxic buildup, nesting animals, etc. 

Mortar is the porous material that holds the chimney stones or bricks together. Humidity, fluctuating hot and cold weather, and strong storms cause the mortar to quickly deteriorate. These weather conditions are typical in Chicagoland all year round. Water sits inside the natural grooves of the mortar, making these grooves bigger as time passes. High wind from storms erode the mortar cutting pieces away. The disintegration of the mortar then causes the brick or stone to collapse, causing serious damage to your chimney. In less severe cases, your chimney would need to be repointed. In the most severe case, where your chimney has degraded mortar, it would need to be rebuilt.

If the stones of your chimney look as if they are 3D, popping out more than they should, then it may be a sign the mortar in between the stones have mostly deteriorated. There may be cracks in the stones, or even a green-ish moss like color overlaying the stone which is caused by weather, age and water decay. This is different than a brick and mortar chimney as you should look for cracks and a white color caused by salt deposits on the brick, a sure sign of water damage. Both a stone and brick chimneys require the chimney mason to scrape out the mortar and replace it with new mortar. 

Stone Chimneys Are Less Maintenance 

Natural stones make for not only a beautiful look, but they are useful to prevent deterioration. Stones like marble and granite absorb heat and are scratch resistant. Because of this, stone chimneys last longer than brick chimneys. After a rough winter or wet summer, a stone chimney may only need a replacement of mortar. 

A Damaged Stone Chimney: What to do?

If you suspect that your stone or brick chimney has experienced any of the damage listed above, it’s best to call a certified chimney professional. Although there are many Youtube DIY videos on replacing mortar on the internet, it’s not recommended to attempt to replace the mortar yourself. Your chimney may have further damage that you don’t know of, and a certified professional can identify. It’s best to call Superior Chimney to make an appointment for a chimney inspection at 877-244-6349. Follow us on Facebook for extra advice on maintaining your chimney. 

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Chimney Damage from Storms: 4 Ways to Identify a Problem

Chimney damage from storms is likely to happen especially during the Chicagolands spring and summer months. As Chicagoland often experiences very heavy thunderstorms during summer, it’s important to keep up with your chimney’s maintenance. The howling of the wind, rain and even hail of a summer storm echoing through the chimney sounds eerie enough as it is. The aftermath of a bad storm on your chimney can be scarier than the storm itself! Neglecting chimney damage from storms can cause serious damage to your home which is expensive to fix.

Is your chimney showing signs of cracks or chalky white streaks on its mortar? Or possibly water marks or molding on the inside of your home? These are only a few signs that your chimney has experienced chimney damage from storms. 

How a Storm Can Damage a Chimney

A storm with high winds, hail and rain will cause the most damage to a chimney. Heavy winds toss around debris, scraping the bricks of your chimney causing minor cracks that lead to larger cracks. Hail also speeds up the deterioration of the brick and mortar. It’s possible for lightning to strike your chimney, this will surely crack the chimney masonry. Minor or major cracks in the brick and mortar allow for water to seep through and cause interior chimney damage. Water leaks cause molding inside the home. Large cracks will eventually cause the collapse of the chimney. 

4 Ways to Tell If Your Chimney Has Been Damaged by Storms

An inspection should be done on your chimney by a certified chimney professional at Superior Chimney. But there are some small signs of damage that you may notice on your chimney. Here’s what to look out for:

  1. Cracks on your chimney crown: The chimney crown is located on top of the whole masonry structure, and is made to keep water away from and out of the chimney. Cracks on the chimney crown let water seep through to the masonry, resulting in water damage. 
  2. A tilted chimney cap: The small metal cap over the hole of your chimney is made to prevent animals, water and debris from entering your home. A strong storm can loosen or tear off the chimney cap.
  3. Loose flashing: Most brick and mortar chimneys have a metal flashing that protects the base of your chimney from water leakage. The flashing should be secured tightly between the roof and chimney. If you notice a gap between the flashing and roof, water is seeping into your chimney. Inside the home, signs of a loose flashing are mold and water marks on your home’s ceiling.
  4. Chalk white streaks: White streaks on the masonry are leaching salt deposits. They are discoloration of the bricks. It’s a sign that the masonry is absorbing water. The salt inside the bricks naturally are drawn to the surface when water is evaporating. The chimney should be inspected to determine where the water is leaking in and what damage there has occurred.

Next Steps…

If you notice any of the above signs of chimney damage from storms, contact Superior Chimney today. We will help you determine the extent of the damage and the next steps to repair your chimney. Maintaining your chimney during the summer is important so that the chimney is not in bad condition before using it in the winter. Contact us today for a chimney inspection by calling 877-244-6349.

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Reasons to Schedule Your Chimney Repairs Now

Summer’s here, and you’re ready to relax, take a much-needed vacation, and spend quality time with the family. One thing that’s probably not on your mind, however, is chimney maintenance and repairs. This post delves into why summer is the best time to take care of this instead of putting it off until winter.

Why It’s Best to Schedule Chimney Repairs in Summer

Chimney repairs in Stilwell, KS

Better Weather

Given the chance, most people prefer outdoor work when it’s warm. Summer gives you plenty of sunshine, ideal temperatures, and more daylight to complete repairs. Additionally, materials used for masonry repairs cure better in warm weather.

More Time to Address Issues

If your chimney sweep discovers a problem during a routine inspection, summer allows you ample time to fix it before winter arrives and you want to use your fireplace and chimney. Significant masonry repairs take time, so it’s best to get them out of the way in summer instead of waiting until the last minute.

Easier Scheduling

Most chimney contractors get booked weeks out the closer winter gets, making it difficult to schedule an appointment. Because summer is a slow time for contractors, it’s easier to get a technician when you want. Moreover, chimney contractors are more likely to offer discounts or lower prices in summer to get work, so you can save a few bucks taking care of repairs and maintenance now instead of waiting.

Best Time for Waterproofing

Water is a chimney’s number one enemy because it seeps into the mortar and bricks, freezes, and causes cracking. If left alone, the mortar joints deteriorate, the bricks can loosen, and the chimney becomes unstable. Brick waterproofing is the best defense against moisture damage and must be completed before winter. Like masonry repairs, these waterproofing products cure better in warm weather.

Now is the perfect time to call for a complete chimney inspection, cleaning, and repairs. Book your appointment today at 913–236–7141.

The Most Common Summer Chimney Repairs

Chimney Cap Replacement

The chimney cap fits on top of the chimney or flue to guard against debris from falling in, causing a blockage. Like other chimney components, the cap is exposed to weather 24/7 and can become damaged or loosen from high winds or storms. Depending on the material it’s made from, a chimney cap can last a few years to a lifetime; however, you should have it inspected yearly for damage.

Masonry Repair

As mentioned, water can wreak havoc in your chimney. If you don’t keep up to date with repairs and maintenance, water damage can cause brick spalling and deteriorating mortar joints. The most common masonry repair we perform is tuckpointing. Tuckpointing, or repointing, is the process where we remove the damaged mortar joints and replace it to restrengthen the structure.

Crown Repair

The crown is another critical chimney component that protects the masonry against water damage. However, most crowns are made from concrete and are susceptible to cracking. Cracks allow rainwater and snow to get into the chimney, leading to water damage and mold.

Flashing Repair

Chimney flashing is the material contractors install at the point where the roof butts against the chimney to stop water from leaking in. Like the chimney, flashing can become damaged in harsh climates and heavy storms. During a routine chimney inspection, our technicians check the flashing for corrosion and gaps where water could seep in.

Chimney Sweeping

Lastly, we perform a lot of chimney cleaning during summer because homeowners want to be sure the fireplace and chimney is ready to use when that first chilly night hits.

Chimney repairs & cleaning in Prairie Village KS

Don’t Wait ’Til the Last Minute: Call Fluesbrothers Chimney & Fireplace

Fluesbrothers Chimney & Fireplace is the trusted chimney and fireplace contractor in Kansas City. Our technicians are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Fireplace Institute, so you can trust their work. You can count on us whether you need chimney repairs, cleaning, rebuilding, or dryer vent services.

Call today at 913–236–7141 to schedule an appointment.

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Why You Should Hire a Pro for Fireplace Installation

Most real estate agents agree that having an indoor or outdoor fireplace adds $1,000 to $5,000 to the resale value of your home. However, even if they added no monetary value, many homeowners still want to add a fireplace to their home because of the warmth and atmosphere they provide. There are many DIY projects for you to do around the house; however, installing a fireplace should be left to the professionals, and here’s why.

Professional Fireplace Installation in Independence MOAdherence to Building Codes

Hiring a professional to install your fireplace in Kansas City ensures that the fireplace and the chimney or venting system adhere to your local building codes. Many people think building codes and regulations are annoying red tape, but they’re necessary to ensure safety and efficiency. Reputable chimney and fireplace contractors are well-versed with the current regulations and codes to ensure your fireplace and chimney are installed correctly and will pass inspection.

Proper Infrastructure Installation

Different kinds of fireplaces require different infrastructures for safe operation.

For example, installing a traditional wood-burning fireplace requires a properly constructed chimney, firebox, and a secure foundation to support the weight. On the other hand, gas fireplaces either need an existing gas line or one to be run to the house. Gas fire-places also need a venting system and potentially an electrical connection to power the fans and ignition system. Professional fireplace installers understand the nuances of each system and the infrastructure required to ensure they run efficiently and safely and won’t malfunction when you need them most.


Installing a fireplace is a complex job, and a lot can go wrong. Professional fireplace and chimney experts have the education, experience, and expertise to ensure the process goes off without a hitch. Moreover, pros can see possibilities for a unique design you may not have thought of because of their familiarity with different materials, construction techniques, and finishing touches. The bottom line is that a pro may create something more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing than you could have imagined.

Less Stress on You

Because of the complexity and number of things that can go wrong, it’s better for your sanity and stress level to let a pro handle your fireplace installation. You have enough things to worry about in your life, and if you get busy and slow or stop your progress. This is important if you have a deadline, such as finishing your fireplace before Christmas. Hiring a professional ensures you finish the job on time and without worry.

Maximize Energy Efficiency

It’s no secret that wood-burning and gas fireplaces aren’t energy efficient. You lose a significant amount of heat energy up the chimney. Because of this, many fireplace owners rely on their furnace or central heating system to compensate for the loss, resulting in higher energy bills. Experts know which fireplace systems give you the best bang for your buck and can optimize them to make them as efficient as possible.

Warranty Insurance

Most fireplace manufacturers offer warranties on their products, but these warranties may be voided if a licensed professional doesn’t install them. Hiring a certified expert to install your fireplace ensures the warranty covers the system if something goes wrong. Moreover, systems like fireplaces require routine maintenance. Many manufacturers won’t honor a warranty if a certified technician doesn’t perform maintenance, so it’s another reason to hire a pro.

Peace of Mind

Heating systems like gas and wood-burning fireplaces come with inherent risks. While most people never have an issue, there’s always the chance that something could catastrophically go wrong. Hiring a professional who knows what they’re doing and is certified allows you to relax and not worry about the potential safety hazards or other issues that could put your home and family at risk.

Stove and insert installation in Kansas City KSTrust the Professionals at Fluesbrothers

Fluesbrothers is the go-to chimney and fireplace company in Kansas City, with over a decade of experience. We’re a full-service contractor, offering everything from chimney repairs, rebuilding, inspection, and cleaning, as well as fireplace installation and dryer vent services. Our technicians are fully licensed and certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Fireplace Institute, so you can trust their work to be safe and long-lasting. Contact us today with questions or to book an appointment at 913-236-7141.

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Choose Prevention Over Repair

If you own a fireplace, then you must know that, like most things, regular maintenance is important in preventing repairs. As a homeowner, there are some easy preventative maintenance tasks that you can perform to help prolong the life of your fireplace.

Fireplace Repair and Damage Prevention in Rocky Hill CTPreventative maintenance

Leave the cleaning and sweeping to the professionals. With these simple tasks, you can feel comfortable that you have a safe burning fire. Preventative maintenance includes:

Maintaining the firebox

Keep an eye on the firebox. The inside gets extremely hot and can cause damage including cracks and loosening joints. A licensed chimney sweep will inspect the masonry for any cracks and repair them with refractory cement.


Is the damper operating appropriately? It should open and close easily. If rust, pitting, or cracks appear, it’s time to replace them.

The Flue

A thorough check would be done by a professional. However, using a flashlight, you can look up the chimney, checking for damage of any kind. If you see moisture or you have had a chimney fire, contact a professional.

Chimney flashing

The flashing should be secure. You can make minor repairs without completely replacing it.

Flue visualized from the top

*Do not access the roof if it is not safe. Contact a professional who has the equipment to access the top of the chimney.* If you can gain access safely, you can look down the chimney with a flashlight, and check to see that the flue is secure. Here you may even be able to see if there are twigs, leaves, or bird nests in the chimney.

Bricks and mortar

Look at the outside of your chimney. Watch for cracks, joints, and loose bricks. If cracks are seen, contact a professional for repairs. If cracks are left unrepaired, rainwater can enter and cause costly repairs.

Why Preventative Maintenance?

Two key reasons for regular preventative maintenance and repairs to your fireplace are as follows.

Money Savings

Repairs to your chimney can cost hundreds of dollars, and if unrepaired, can cost even more. If you don’t repair them when they are small, they can move into very expensive and lengthy repairs. The earlier you invest, the better off you will be. Contact a professional about waterproofing, chimney caps, and other cost-saving items to prevent costly repairs in the future.


Regular preventative cleaning and sweeping will keep creosote at a level that is safe. Excessive buildup can cause chimney fires, house fires, as well as exposure to carbon monoxide.

While regular maintenance and simple repairs are important in preventing costly repairs, nothing will replace a professional inspection by a licensed and insured chimney sweep.

Chimney Cap Repair and Installation in Granby CTQuality Chimney Service & Repair

Northeastern Chimney, Inc. established in 1984 is a fully licensed and insured chimney repair company. We provide chimney sweeping & video inspection. Chimney relining, masonry repair and restoration, waterproofing, crown and flashing repair, new chimney installations, stainless steel/ bluestone chimney tops, chimney caps, flue screening, dryer vent cleaning, and more.

Hopefully, you will learn about chimney safety and how to choose a sweep on our website and blog. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call us anytime from 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Contact Northeastern Chimney, LLC by giving our team a call at 860-233-5770 or by sending us a message through our contact page.

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Why Hire a Professional for Your Fireplace Installation

If you are like me, you do everything you can by yourself. From home repairs to plumbing and installation. This is fine, but do not try to install your fireplace yourself. This is one of those tasks high on the list that you should not do on your own. Installing a fireplace or fireplace lining is by far not a DIY task. It is important to contact a certified fireplace professional to install your fireplace.

Gas fireplace installation and repair in Newington CTWhy a Professional?

Right fit for your chimney

If you are going to install a wood-burning or gas fireplace, you have to make sure you buy the correct liner. Chimney liners are not all appropriate for each type of heating fuel. A professional will be sure you are purchasing the appropriate type.

Risk of smoke or carbon monoxide poisoning

There are always concerns about gas leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning. A certified professional is an expert on the safety of installing fireplaces to prevent injury.

Building codes

When installing a fireplace, you must be within the building codes. Trained professionals know the building codes needed and know where to get them.

What Is The Best Type Of Fireplace For You?

Gas fireplace: There are many benefits to installing a gas fireplace. One is the ease of starting the fire. Gas is very clean and convenient. Instant, heat, controlled flame, fan regulation and ambiance.

Wood-burning fireplaces: A wood-burning fireplace will bring you pleasure with its beauty, warmth, and inviting feel. The smell of a wood-burning fireplace is quite authentic. Yet, it comes with some work. When choosing a wood-burning fireplace there are some things to think about. Buying, cutting, and storing the wood is something to think about.

Wood Stoves: For an efficient and cheap way of heating, a wood stove may be the right idea for you.

Fireplace Inserts

Fireplace inserts are a more efficient heating solution. They are self-contained units which burn gas, wood, or pellets. If you are dealing with an old chimney, fireplace inserts may be the answer to your problems. They are an effective way of solving issues with chimneys such as drafts. Inserts are a cheap option to repairing your fireplace.

Fireplace Installation in New Britain CT

Keeping Safety in Mind

Always seek professional services when you question your ability to complete the job. Keeping safety at the utmost importance. You should always be aware of gas leaks as well as carbon monoxide poisoning should

Northeastern Chimney, Inc. Established in 1984 is a fully licensed and insured chimney repair company. We at Northeastern Chimney provide a vast array of services.

Chimney sweeping and video inspection.
• Chimney relining, masonry repair and restoration.
• Waterproofing, crown and flashing repair.
• Manufactured fireplace and chimney installations, stainless steel/ bluestone chimney tops, chimney caps, flue screening, dryer vent cleaning, and more.

You will learn about chimney installation as well as how to choose a sweep on our website and blog. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 860-233-5770.

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