Preparing for New England’s Changing Seasons:

Preparing for New England’s Changing Seasons:

Why Now is the Perfect Time for a Chimney Inspection

As New Englanders, we’re savoring these precious moments outdoors, basking in the warmth and beauty of our current season. Yet, we know all too well how swiftly the weather can change in our corner of the world. Before we know it, the crisp autumn air will beckon us indoors, and we’ll be reaching for that cozy throw blanket and lighting the season’s first fire. At Best Chimney, we understand that now is the perfect time to prepare your home for the ever-changing New England seasons. While you’re enjoying the outdoors, let us help you ensure your chimney is ready to keep you warm and safe when those chilly nights inevitably return.

Your home is more than just a structure; it’s a complex network of systems working in harmony, much like your car or your own body. We understand that your house is not only your largest investment but also the place where your family finds safety and comfort and builds lasting memories. Just as you wouldn’t wait for your car to break down before seeing a mechanic or ignoring your health until you fall ill, your home deserves the same proactive care and attention.

chimney inspection

That’s where we come in. At Best Chimney, we bring our expertise to bear on one of your home’s most crucial systems – the chimney. Regular, professional inspections are key to ensuring your chimney functions safely and efficiently, protecting your home and loved ones from potential hazards. Let’s explore the two types of chimney inspections we offer, along with some home-saving and money-saving tips:

Level 1 Chimney Inspection:

Our basic inspection is ideal for annual maintenance when no significant changes have been made to your chimney system. During a Level 1 inspection, our certified technicians will:

  1. Examine readily accessible portions of the chimney’s interior and exterior
  2. Check the basic structural integrity of the chimney and flue
  3. Ensure the chimney is free from obstructions and combustible deposits
  4. Verify proper installation and security of chimney connections and appliances
  5. Inspection of visible portions of the chimney exterior

Level 2 Chimney Inspection:

This more comprehensive examination is necessary when changes occur in your system, such as switching fuel types or after events that might have damaged the chimney, like a fire or severe weather. A Level 2 inspection includes everything in a Level 1 inspection, plus:

  1. Inspection of accessible areas in the attic, basement, and crawl spaces
  2. Evaluation of the chimney’s interior using specialized video scanning equipment
  3. Verification of proper clearances from combustibles in accessible locations
  4. Assessment of flue liner condition with internal camera

chimney inspection

By scheduling regular inspections, you’re taking a proactive step in maintaining your home’s safety and efficiency. This proactive care ensures that most issues in your chimney, which aren’t visible to the untrained eye, can be identified and resolved before they become costly hazards. This not only saves you money but also ensures your peace of mind, knowing that your home is safe and efficient.

As you enjoy the current season, let Best Chimney help you prepare for the changes ahead. Our expert inspections and maintenance services will ensure that when the time comes to light that first fire or turn on your heat, your chimney will be ready to perform safely and efficiently, keeping your home warm and your family protected throughout the coming New England seasons.

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