Checking for Chimney Leaks

Checking for Chimney Leaks

“Why are we talking about chimney leaks when it has been so dry?” “No need to worry about water leaks from the chimney, all looks good in the house so far.” These are two statements that have been going through everyone’s minds. No rain, no problems, so therefore there must be no issues! Is it best to wait until you have water stains on the ceiling of your home? Or until you hear the sound of dripping water in the fireplace?  

During the last rain storm in the Chicagoland area, it really made a mess. Many branches were down, leaves were scattered everywhere and some of that debris ended up in the chimney. The humidity was high, which many homeowners reported smells coming from the fireplace. Now you have expenses of damages to pay for instead of a standard chimney inspection which would have caught these problems ahead of time.

Why Do Homeowners Wait?

Some homeowners just simply forget there’s a fireplace in the home because they don’t use it. But does that mean it shouldn’t be swept & inspected? Just the opposite.

  1. Homeowners need to realize that a chimney is used for more than the fireplace. The water heater and furnace/boiler appliances also use the chimney as a path to release toxins or gasses to the outside. This is important to the health of the home and your family. Getting an inspection by a certified chimney technician is the way to go.  
  2. Some homeowners use a gas fireplace. Does that need to be swept & inspected? Yes, again. Just because it’s gas and you get to turn it off means everything is okay. The chimney flue still needs to be checked for wear and tear along with the exterior chimney for cracks, mortar repair and the chimney cap which keeps critters and debris out. And let’s not forget, #1 still applies here as well.
  3. Woodburning fireplaces are a fan favorite. Many homeowners like to use their fireplace. It’s a passion to pick out the perfect wood for a beautiful smell, look and warmth that it provides. It is the centerpiece for the home. Many, not all, get their fireplace, chimney and flue swept & inspected each year as they know about creosote and how the build up can be flammable.

As most homes have a fireplace…or three, they all need to be inspected and cared for to keep the house safe.

Just Remember…

When a Superior Chimney technician comes out, we include the homeowner in every step of the process. We understand that getting on the roof, or looking into the flue is not something that a homeowner does…ever. That’s why we take pictures, share them with you and give you details about the health of the fireplace through the exterior chimney with pictures and a report. When our technicians get back to the office, we email the pictures to you so you have a record to refer to next time we come out to service your chimney.

Contact us today 877-244-6349

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