Spring is Here! Time to Check Masonry for Leaks before Rainy Season

Spring is Here! Time to Check Masonry for Leaks before Rainy Season

After months of
snow, ice, and chilly winds, spring and sunshine can’t come soon enough! Rolling
into the warmer months with higher temps and blooming flowers also means the
return of a fair amount of rain, bringing rejuvenating water to the grass and
plant life, and a welcome respite from the seasonably scorching days.

Of course, while the water is necessary in nature, it can quickly become a pain if it finds its way indoors uninvited. So before the drops start falling, remember that spring days are also the perfect time to take a peek at the masonry around your chimney, to make sure your chimney is ready to stand up to potential leaks.

During the
colder months, as the precipitation outside freezes and thaws over the bricks
of your chimney, moisture can make its way into small crevices in the
stonework. As the water thaws and expands, it slowly enlarges the crevices into
cracks, leaving potential openings for moisture to seep further into the
chimney and beyond. A few key signs that you’re dealing with a leaky chimney
include spotting moisture in, or at the bottom of, your chimney, seeing water
marks form on the ceiling near (i.e. within 10ft) your chimney, and if you
notice spalling of the chimney, inside or outside.

Potential chimney leaks or cracking masonry can be diagnosed during an annual chimney cleaning and safety inspection, especially to catch potential leaks at higher, harder-to-reach points around your chimney. Once confirmed, and depending on the advice from your inspector, these spots can be repaired, or the chimney can be waterproofed. This waterproofing process works by using a specific masonry-friendly sealant that blocks water absorption, but does not interfere with the naturally porous brick. This same process will also help to protect your chimney during the winter’s freeze-thaw cycle.

always beats surprise when it comes to chimney leaks and masonry cracks. Let
Lindemann help with full peace of mind by scheduling your annual chimney
cleaning and safety inspection! Contact Lindemann Chimney & Fireplace today
at (847)739-4199, or through our convenient online scheduling portal!  

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Typical Damage that May Occur if Your Chimney Masonry has Leaks

Dealing with a leak in your chimney masonry is never a fun scenario, but catching it as early as possible can save you from several potential headaches. As you start to take a look at the inside and outside of your chimney, here a few major signs to watch out for that will tip you off to the presence of a chimney leak in your home.

Wet/Mildew Smell

An unpleasant
odor is a fast way to determine something is wrong before you can see the issue.
A damp, mildew, or musty scent near your chimney will let you know that water
has somehow found its way within the chimney itself, and that it’s time to
locate the source of the moisture. This can often be associated with a dripping
sound coming from within the chimney as well. 

Brown Spots on the Ceiling

If moisture
makes its way through the masonry in your chimney, it can also find its way
into your ceiling. This could result in water spots emerging, generally brown
or slightly yellow, staining areas in close proximity to the chimney. This same
moisture could also partially soak into wood beams or insulation in the same

Rusting Firebox and Damper

Water leaking
and dripping onto metal dampers and fireboxes will, over time, erode the outer layers
and create rust. Once rust sets into metal pieces within your fireplace, they
will need to be properly replaced before the fireplace can once again be safely

Spalling and Structural Issues

seeping into masonry will break down the layers between the stone and brick,
causing the stonework to deteriorate structurally. Not only does this hurt the
individual pieces, but it can cause the entire chimney to shift or lean. If the
chimney has moved enough, this potentially creates the need for the chimney to
be rebuilt completely. 

Catching issues
early-on is a surefire way to avoid costly incidents from masonry leaks, and
ensures your fireplace will continue to provide warmth when needed, while
preserving its overall longevity. To keep your fireplace in tip-top shape,
identify issues before they become problems – and to give your fireplace a
fresh cleaning, contact Lindemann Chimney & Fireplace, or schedule your appointment online today.

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Selecting the best firewood for your fireplace may not seem like that important of a decision, but well seasoned, quality firewood can not only help your fireplace burn cleaner but more efficiently too! Green or wet wood can cause smoke problems, odor, creosote buildup and can even lead to dangerous chimney fires. So, next time you head out to stock up on wood, make sure you select clean, seasoned wood.

Now you may be asking, “what is seasoned wood?” Well, while freshly cut wood can contain up to 45% water, seasoned wood has been reduced to only 20-25% of the moisture content. If you cut your own wood 6 months to a year before using it, properly store it and allow the sun and wind to do the seasoning for you. If you try to use green wood, the heat it produces via combustion must dry the wood before it will catch fire and burn, using up a large percentage of its available energy. Less energy results in less heat to your home and gallons of acidic water being deposited into your chimney. Yikes!

Ideal wood storage would consist of a dry woodshed with a roof that allows for air circulation to perform the drying. The next best option would be to keep the wood piled in a sunny area, covering it during rain or snow (while still allowing airflow to avoid trapping the moisture inside).

If your chimney has fallen victim to moist wood burning, call Quality Fireplace today for a complete chimney inspection quote!

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Here are 5 Reasons to Clean Your Fireplace in the Spring

Spring is on the horizon, bringing warm breezes and green grass again. As the outside temperatures begin to rise, we begin to prepare our homes for the warmer weather, including closing our fireplaces until next fall. While everything outside feels fresh and new, your fireplace may be full of filthy soot. To be sure your fireplace is ready to use when the temperatures drop again, it’s important to give it a good cleaning before bidding farewell. Here are 5 reasons to add your fireplace or chimney to your spring-cleaning list:

(1)  Prolong your chimney’s life. While wood burning fireplaces bring warmth and coziness to your home, the burning of the wood also creates a byproduct called creosote which can build up in your chimney. In the spring and summer months, there is more moisture in the air. When rain mixes with the acidic creosote in your chimney, it can cause the chimney brick to deteriorate. Removing the creosote when the burning season ends helps prolong the life of your chimney.

(2)  Eliminate odors in your house. Creosote
and ash accumulate in the firebox and chimney during fireplace season, and can
cause unwanted odors. Removing those substances at the end of the season keeps
your home smelling fresh.

(3) Convenient
When you need the services of a professional chimney sweep,
it’s much easier to schedule an appointment in the spring than to wait until
the fall when fireplace and chimney specialists are much busier.

(4)  Finding problems sooner than later. A
professional inspection and cleaning in the spring allows more time to address problems
or potential hazards with your fireplace or chimney. The warmer months make it
easier to do repairs, especially since masonry repairs can only be done when
the air temperature is above freezing.

(5)  It’s easier and less stressful to clean
when the weather is warmer.
Instead of waiting until the fall or winter,
when the weather is colder and the days are shorter—and you want to use your
fireplace immediately—plan ahead for a spring cleaning.

Although your fireplace will be on hiatus for a few months, it’s nice to know it’s clean and ready when you need it again. Call Lindemann Fireplace & Chimney today for an expert chimney clean and inspection.

With spring almost here now’s the time to inspection your chimney. When rainy season comes you don’t want your masonry leaking. Contact us today for an appointment.

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As warm weather becomes more than a distant dream, most people like to welcome it with a good Spring Cleaning to rid their homes of the grit and grime built up over a long winter. One area of the house that may get overlooked is the chimney, but after months of toasty fires, the chimney is in need of a good sweep most of all. For many reasons the chimney should not be ignored, both for health, safety, and aesthetic reasons. Below we outline a few reasons to schedule a Chimney Cleaning for Spring.

Health & Safety

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) claims that for the health and wellness of you and your family, it is imperative to clean your chimney once a year. It makes much more sense to clean it out after a long season of use rather than let the ash and debris continue to build up for months undisturbed.


When the first signs of Spring begin to bloom, most people want a fresh start inside their home to match the environment outside of it. A good scrub is necessary in every nook and cranny of your living space, the fireplace should not be left out. We’re not just talking about the inside either! The outer surface, whether it’s brick, wood, or stone, can suffer from soot and ash build up creating a dirty veneer. Not to mention the smell! With a good sweeping, the centerpiece of any room can shine like new again.

Reduce Creosote

Creosote is a chemical emitted when wood burns. It is a colorless to yellowish greasy liquid with a smoky odor that can build up on the liner of your fireplace and chimney. Corrosion caused by emissions like creosote can require extremely expensive repairs. This can happen when creosote is left on the flue liner for a long period of time and moisture gets in, from rain or snow. Better to have your chimney cleaned out immediately than risk costly repairs down the line.

Chimney Safety

If the creosote, described above, is left for too long it can cause a Chimney Fire. These fires can range from barely noticeable to so loud it shakes your whole house. Very small fire incidents may occur and go unnoticed, however, the heat generated from fires can cause cracks and loosen mortar joints which can provide an easy path to the roof or other combustible materials. If left untreated, the chances of a house fire increase significantly. These cracks and loosened joints also make it possible for carbon monoxide to leak into your home, the effects of which can cause significant health impacts up to and including potential for death. The easiest and most cost-efficient way to prevent chimney fires is with a chimney inspection and cleaning. Something so simple may save your life.

Easier to Schedule

Many homeowners that have a chimney in their home believe the best time to schedule their chimney for cleaning is in the fall, just before the winter winds blow through but truly NOW is a great time to have your chimney inspected and cleaned. You can choose the best day according to your own schedule and won’t have to jockey for the best time slot.

If you’re ready to get a head start on Spring Cleaning this year, call Quality Fireplace at 262-786-4411 to schedule an appointment today!

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Why Homeowners Should Always Call Professionals for Fireplace and Chimney Problems

We all enjoy our fireplaces and the ambiance they provide.
Entering a room with a blazing fire creates a warm and inviting space with a
homey feel. But what if we notice some problems or issues with our fireplaces
or chimneys? What if the fireplace isn’t performing up to par? Here are some
common issues that can develop and the reasons why it’s wise to call in a

(1) Safety. A professionally inspected and repaired fireplace is the best bet when it comes to your family’s safety. Chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning can present very real dangers to your home. The buildup of creosote in the chimney can create a fire hazard, and it’s virtually impossible for a homeowner to thoroughly clean the length of the chimney without professional tools. The best way to ensure your fireplace is free from hazardous by-products is to call in a professional.

(2) Performance. Dirty chimneys can affect the way your fireplace and chimney perform. The gradual build-up of soot in the chimney can restrict the air flow. The flue becomes thick enough with creosote that there is no longer enough free area to vent the fireplace properly. A professional chimney sweep can give the entire chimney a good cleaning, helping to eliminate the creosote build-up and allow the free-flow of air.

(3) Access to
Professional Tools.
Not only do professionals use equipment most homeowners
don’t have on hand, but there could be hidden dangers only visible to an expert.
A trained professional can use special tools that permit access to tight spaces
up the chimney and cleaning of all deposits. 
Industrial grade cleaners are used to help clean the lining. A trained
eye can also help combat small critters that may have made a home in your

(4) Cost Savings.
It may be tempting to try to DIY chimney cleaning or repair, but in the long
run, neglecting a visit by a professional could cause further damage to not
only your fireplace, but your wallet. An expert can help spot damage to your
chimney, or issues inside the flue that, left untreated, could cause bigger
issues down the line.

Contact Lindemann today to schedule an inspection or repair. Our professionals are trained and certified, and can help solve any issues with your chimney or fireplace, so you can continue to enjoy your roaring fire for years to come.

DIY chimney cleaning can only lead to more problems. Contact us next time you need assistance cleaning your chimney or inspecting your masonry.

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Are you ready for an easy but dramatic change to your fireplace? After all, there are few areas in your home that command as much attention as a roaring, warm fire in your fireplace! Are you ready to say hello to a whole new look for your fireplace?

Even though the fireplace is a permanent fixture of the home, the surface surrounding the fireplace is not. Years of use will often leave the fireplace surround with unsightly stains. Remodeling your fireplace with stone refacing provides an update to give your home that fresh, new look…a whole room makeover!

Natural stone is soft and prone to damage, with a stone veneers or real stones remodel your once drab fireplace will transform into a polished and natural looking beauty. Luckily, there are a variety of stones to choose from in dozens of colors, shapes, and sizes that will bring your living space alive. Your fireplace can have a face unlike any other, unique to you and your home.


A stone veneer or real stones refacing is an opportunity to completely alter the vibe of your interior or exterior living space. Quality Fireplace and Chimney wants to help you find the style and texture that best fits your home’s personality. The versatility offered by the various stone options makes the process of choosing a design palette fun!


Fieldstone conjures memories of early New England settlers as it was their stone of choice with its strength and rugged texture. The irregular shape, weathered feel, and hand-dressed edges make for classic fireplace design.





Quarried in the Midwest, Limestone conveys Midwestern sensibilities with its rectangular/square shape and chiseled edges. Rough to the touch, limestone is perfect for making a bold statement. A range of color blends (reds, blues, yellows, and whites) to choose from makes limestone one of the most customizable stones available.




Ledgestone’s strength is in its variance of length and height. Lengths ranging from 4-20 inches and heights from 1-6 inches make for a layered, nature-made appearance. Irregular in shape, rough in texture, uncommon in color, a Ledgestone fireplace is a dramatic centerpiece for any room.




Manor Stone

Stone pieces that fit together like the most beautiful puzzle to ever take shape, the Manor Stone provides tremendous architectural heritage and a rich color palette. The stately and expressive feel invokes the likes of medieval European manors for the sophisticated living space.





River Rock

The devil is in the details with this stone inspired by natural rocks carved from centuries of moving water touching the landscape. Hand-picked for the smooth, round edges, with incredibly distinct surface details, means that each stone is entirely unique in shape and characteristics. River Rock will complement and amplify an earthy ambiance.





Most similar in style to the Ledgestone, Stackstone provides more visual appeal with its subtle color blends and mix of smooth and rough textures. An interlocking tightly stacked panel system creates a compact appearance that would accentuate a more traditional home.





These design palettes and more are available with Quality Fireplace. Whichever style you choose a refaced fireplace can upgrade the look and feel of your home immediately. If you are considering a Fireplace Remodel or Refacing, call Quality Fireplace today for a quote!

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With spring officially here and rain showers in the forecast, it is important to remember that your chimney has endured another harsh and, dare we say it, very long winter season. The fluctuating temperatures, freezing and thawing, and the wind and rain have a significant impact on your chimney. This true Wisconsin weather causes cracks, chips, and loosening of the bricks and mortar of your chimney, which results in leaks and damage.

There are many reasons damage to your chimney occurs. Here are a couple of things to be aware of:

  • There is no chimney cover, resulting in rain or snow coming straight in
  • Cracked chimney crown
  • Freeze-thaw damage
  • Leaking from the inside out due to condensation
  • Torn or cracked fireplace flashing
  • A leak that starts at a different point, such as the roof

Though that may sound like a lot, these things are easily preventable with maintenance and vigilance:

  • Purchase a chimney cover and have it installed by a professional
  • Have a chimney liner installed to prevent condensation inside the chimney
  • You can have a masonry absorption test done to find out if your chimney is leaking through the bricks to determine if you need to waterproof your chimney

Use specialty sealing products, such as FlashSeal to seal your flashing or ChimneySaver to repel the water off your masonry. If it has been a while (or you have never thought about or maintained your chimney before), contact Quality Fireplace & Chimney Service and we can inspect and recommend ways to keep your home dry!

Give us a call at (262) 786-4411 to schedule your appointment today!

The post ARE YOU SEEING SIGNS OF WATER BY YOUR FIREPLACE? appeared first on Quality Fireplace and Chimney Services.

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