Month: January 2023

When Was Your Last Chimney Inspection?

Why You Need One Now

The time to have the chimney inspection is usually thought of as either at the end of use or the start of the fireplace season. Or you may think that you don’t need a chimney inspection because you’re not using your fireplace.  

The truth is, that even if you’re not using your fireplace, you’re still likely using your chimney to vent your heating system. The heating system vent typically runs parallel to the fireplace flue and carries the flue gases up and out. Here are things you can look for and we can find in the inspection: 

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Chimney Inspections Can:

Prevent the Risk of Carbon Monoxide

We all likely know the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning, but did you know that an obstructed chimney flue can lead to the inadvertent release of harmful gases and toxins, further resulting in an intrusion of carbon monoxide? 

inside view of chimney inspection

Diagnose Problems Your Chimney is Facing 

Whether it be flue damage, cracks in the masonry, leaks, or deteriorating brickwork, having your chimney inspected regularly can combat these issues and prevent the need for expensive repairs and further damage to your home. 

Allow for Better Home Heating

A clean chimney will inevitably allow for better home heating. When your chimney is properly swept, it removes that overabundance of creosote and other debris allowing for optimal flow. A clear passageway means better efficiency, and thus, less money to heat your home during the winter months.

Stay on top of your maintenance! We highly recommend getting your Chimney Inspection scheduled now, avoiding potential operation outages when you need it most.

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Chimney Repairs and Improvements During The Off Season

Most homeowners here in the Northeast use their chimneys for secondary warmth during the colder months. Once the weather breaks, we in the chimney industry call this the “off-season.” It’s a great time for chimney repairs and general maintenance as these updates are easier to perform when the system is not in use. Here are our top 7 chimney repairs during the off-season.

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Masonry tuckpointing in Farmington CTTuckpointing

Tuckpointing is the systematic repair of your chimney’s masonry. As one of the chimney repairs, you can do during the off-season, tuckpointing seals the joints between masonry components by applying new mortar where necessary. If left unattended, these gaps and cracks can lead to a chimney fire.


However, if the damage is extensive, your Northeastern Chimney technician will likely recommend repointing. This is the complete removal and replacement of deteriorated masonry. It’s more involved than tuckpointing, yes, but far more cost-effective than a complete rebuild of your entire chimney.

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Once you’ve completed one or both of the previous two repairs, the next is to waterproof your chimney. This can prevent additional deterioration of your brick-and-mortar components, prolonging the life of the chimney structure.

Repairing broken components

Over time, all things begin to show wear and tear. This is true whether you’re referring to an appliance, a vehicle, your roof, or your chimney. Repairing your broken chimney components, such as a crown that has cracked and deteriorated or your damper that won’t fully open or shut, can save you significant money. In addition, as is the case with your damper, this can be a safety hazard.

Replacing your chimney cap

We’re highlighting your chimney cap because it’s often the first line of defense for your internal chimney components such as your damper and flue. A cap keeps animals, leaves, and other debris from entering your chimney. And, if your flue has significant creosote buildup, your cap can help keep stray smoldering embers at bay.

Cleaning your firebox

Removing ash is a regular part of using a fireplace. Once you’re done for the season, use this as an opportunity to remove all ash and deep clean your firebox. Though you might not consider it a repair, it’s just as much preventative maintenance as when our team performs an annual sweep.

Gas Fireplace Installation in Avon CT

Installing a gas insert

However, if you’re tired of cleaning ash, consider using the off-season to have one of our team members install a gas insert for you. This is an alternative to wood-burning fireplaces and will reduce some of the annual maintenance tasks you need to complete.

Each of these will follow a sweep and inspection

As a bonus 8th “repair”, we recommend all homeowners schedule a chimney sweep and inspection during the off-season. Indeed, it’s during this visit that we’ll uncover the need for most of the above items, as your technician can help you identify potential issues before they become significant problems.

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What Is That Smell From My Fireplace?

When relaxing in front of your fireplace, the last thing you want to have to happen is to get a whiff of a nasty smell. However, from time to time all homeowners will encounter an unexplained odor emanating from their fireboxes. So, what is the cause of that smell coming from your fireplace exactly? Here are the six most common answers to that question.

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Creosote removal, chimney cleaning in Rocky Hill CTCreosote buildup

One of the benefits of an annual sweep and inspection by a Northeastern Chimney technician is that, during their visit, our team members will remove any creosote buildup within your flue. This sticky, tar-like substance can be quite smelly, especially when mixed with winter rain or snow.

An unintended side effect of efficient homes: negative air pressure

You want your home to be sealed so that your energy usage is as low as possible. However, this could have an unintended side effect, that being negative air pressure. Essentially, this creates a vacuum that pulls air down through your flue and into your home. This can cause odors from your neighborhood to make their way into your home.

Leaving a window or two slightly cracked when burning a fire in your fireplace, as well as closing your damper when it’s not in use, can help mitigate this issue.

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Birds or other rodents

If your cap is missing or broken, birds and other critters can make their way into your chimney. There, they build nests or can get stuck. As time goes on, this can lead to a very smelly situation, especially with droppings and other waste. A smell like something is rotten is a strong indication you’re dealing with this type of problem.

Leaves or other debris

Have you ever cleaned leaves out of a gutter? We’d imagine you just said “Yes” to yourself. Likewise, have you ever cleaned decomposed leaves out of your gutters? In either case, leaves and other debris can have a unique odor. And again, if your cap is missing, this can be another reason for an unpleasant smell to be coming from your fireplace.

Mold and mildew from moisture

Mold and mildew have a very distinct smell. If there are structural issues with your chimney, ranging from missing bricks to a damaged crown, it can lead to moisture buildup. In turn, beyond the physical damage to your chimney, water can also lead to health concerns in the form of mold and mildew growth.

Chimney Sweeping New Britain CTAsh

The final thing you may be smelling from your chimney is ash. Ash should be removed weekly, but if left in place, can start to turn into a smell situation.

How to get rid of that smell coming from your fireplace!

Whenever there is a smell coming from your fireplace, you will want to schedule an inspection with our team right away. It may be overdue for a sweep and cleaning, or there may be an issue that’s popped up recently with your chimney. If left to fester, it may lead to larger problems down the road.

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How to Identify Chimney Stains

You may think a weathered look gives your chimney character, but stains can be a sign of an underlying problem. Let’s look at the various stains you might see on your chimney and what causes them.

Chimney Stains and Water Damage in Overland Park KSGreen Stains

If you live in a humid environment, you’ll probably notice green stains dotting your chimney, which are usually algae. Algae is unsightly but isn’t considered a hazard. It could also be mold, which may indicate a water leaking issue with your chimney. You would want to get a water problem inspected and repaired right away!

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Black Stains

Black chimney stains are one of the most common and are caused by soot. Soot stains mainly appear on the crown, but wind can spread them everywhere.

Brown Stains

Brown stains are typically caused by creosote, a natural byproduct of burning wood. If you see these stains on your chimney, it could mean it needs to be swept. Creosote is corrosive and highly flammable, so it’s crucial to hire a professional chimney sweep to take care of it as soon as possible.

Red Stains

Red stains typically mean rust and often affect factory-built chimneys. Rust happens whenever water leaks from your chase cover and drips down the sides. If you see red stains, call a chimney professional as soon as possible because water leaks can cause damage to the chase cover if they’re not repaired and lead to mold growth in your home.

White Stains

White stains come from a process called efflorescence. Efflorescence is when moisture seeps into the bricks, causing the salt in the mortar to go to the surface. Efflorescence typically happens in cold climates, where chimneys undergo a freeze/thaw cycle. Because efflorescence results from water, it could signify that you have moisture damage, which, if left unchecked, can cause brick spalling, loose mortar joints, and a compromised chimney structure.

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Preventing Chimney Stains

The most effective way to prevent chimney stains and the damage that results is to schedule an annual inspection by a trained professional. As mentioned, some stains are nothing more than an eyesore, but others could result from an underlying issue that can lead to damage or fire. Certified chimney experts can quickly determine a stain’s cause and determine if your chimney is at risk.

Level Two Video Inspection for Chimney in Prairie Village KSBesides scheduling a chimney inspection, it’s wise to invest in a waterproofing product since many stains are caused by moisture. Waterproofing prevents many moisture-related stains and extends the lifespan of your chimney.

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The post How to Identify Chimney Stains appeared first on Fluesbrothers Chimney Service.

The Chimney Pot is Not What You Think…

A chimney pot has become popular in recent years. They provide a decorative top to the chimney finishing the look and feel of a detailed house. Most times, chimneys are finished with a metal tube that can keep out water, debris, snow, animals and other items that can easily make its way into the home. There’s nothing wrong with a metal topping, it serves its purpose. However, sometimes, you want something that can protect the home yet have it be done in a more ‘stylish’ way.

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What is a Chimney Pot?

The chimney pot starting in the 18th and 19th centuries when burning coal was the method for heating homes. The chimney pot, made from terra-cotta, is a material that stays cool when heat is present. However, the terra-cotta chimney pot was used to extend the chimney stack height in order to increase the amount of air so it reduces fumes and soot in the home.

Beyond the use of the chimney pot, it was also used as a decorative or architectural piece. The more decorative, the more it represented wealth and stature. Today, it’s all about the design. The designs match the various style homes including contemporary, traditional, Victorian and more. The chimney pot can still represent wealth, but it is more about the details…the finishing touches to a home.

Decorative Chimney Cap – Copper

If you’ve decided you’re not a fan of the chimney pot, not to worry. There are plenty of decorative chimney caps out there to choose from. One that seems to be a fan favorite is the copper chimney cap. Copper chimney caps are a very durable metal. They have corrosion-resistant properties which is similar to steel and the best part, is that it does not rust. Now, however, the downfall with copper is there is a bit of maintenance to it…if you don’t want the color copper to change. If you like it, then this is the perfect decorative cap for you.

Decorative Chimney Cap – Stainless Steel

Stainless steel chimney caps are great when you are searching for quality and affordability. Now, this doesn’t mean they can’t look decorative, they certainly can. However, you want something that is durable and lasts, stainless steel is the way to go as it is so tough it can be just about rust proof. The best part…no maintenance. Once it’s installed, it will look the same on day 1 as it will on day 1,001.

Customized Chimney Cap – Any Metal

Now you can go crazy and get a custom chimney cap made that matches the style home, with a single or multiple types of metals to give a unique look and feel. Some homeowners like to finish the look of their home with ‘capping’ it off with something unique. However, you like your home to look, just be sure to get something that matures well and provides low maintenance.

What’s Next?

So, now you want to explore chimney caps. Put this on your list for when your chimney technician comes out to your home to clean and inspect your chimney. He can discuss with you the various types of caps. By understanding your needs, the technician will share the choices and you can go from there! With the new year in full swing, let’s get the chimney and fireplace cleaned and checked with our 14-point inspection with photos so your chimney not only ‘looks’ good, but is in healthy shape as well.

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Chimney Leaks Caused by Snow

Chimney leaks can be caused by snow, not only by the heavy downpours of rain! Chimney leaks occur year round due to exposure to various weather conditions. Whether it be rain, snow, wind or sunshine, chimneys begin to decay as weather wears on them. The exterior of the chimney is very porous and lets water in easily, leading to water damage. We often hear about chimney leaks happening in the summer because of the rain, but what about in winter? Let’s take a look at a customer and their first-hand experience with a chimney leak caused by snow.

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Customer Experience

A customer shared, “One evening, I was at the dinner table with my family. I heard a sound like dripping water. Naturally, I headed to the bathroom to check the faucet. It wasn’t leaking water. I checked around the house and found nothing out of the ordinary, so I returned to dinner.

A few days later, while the house was quiet, I could hear the faint dripping sound once again. I noticed it was coming from the living room, near the fireplace. I looked up, and saw a small wet spot on the ceiling near the chimney. It was winter time so there was no rain, only snow and ice. I found it hard to believe it was a chimney leak, since I thought that the water froze during the winter! I called Superior Chimney for a chimney inspection and a chimney repair.”

Finding the Chimney Leak

We found a nearly unnoticeable stream of water on the inside of the customer’s chimney. Typically, chimney leaks are reported in the spring and summer because of the amount of rain, but in winter, it’s common to experience chimney leaks caused by snow in the freeze thaw process. The chimney is used often, causing the snow and ice to melt. Sometimes, the condensation can build up inside the chimney and begin to leak down, causing some damage to the ceiling. Only sometimes the damage is where the ceiling and chimney meet. The dripping noise comes from the water leaking down into the fireplace. Other times, water likes to travel to other parts of the house, making it more challenging to identify the source of the leak.

Fortunately, the customer was able to see the water damage on the ceiling. But this is not the only way to find a chimney leak caused by snow melt. Three other ways to spot a chimney leak during the winter are:

  1. A musty odor in the fireplace.
  2. Water stains or condensation on the interior chimney walls, or inside the fireplace.
  3. Cracked masonry on the outside of the chimney.

Winter Leaks

Chimney leaks caused by snow can be more difficult to identify and repair in winter because you use your chimney in the Winter, Fall and Spring. It is important to fix chimney leaks right away before the summer comes and the leaks, along with the deterioration, become worse. We can help repair your chimney leak before it turns into a costly repair.

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How to Keep Snow from Going Inside Your Chimney

In case you have noticed water that is trickling at the bottom of your fireplace or critters getting into the property, you might need professionals. In case this happens when it snows or rains, there can be a problem with the chimney. For those homes that can effectively prevent rain and snow from coming down your chimney, they use a chimney capping cowl.

Snow is a sign of freezing temperatures and slushy conditions while the snow melts. These thawing and freezing cycles can affect the chimney masonry very badly. You can pay for chimney cleaning services to help keep snow out of your chimney. You can read this article until the end to know more.

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Use a Chimney Crown

A chimney crown is placed on the chimney opening outside your house to prevent moisture and debris from going into the flue. Since this component is an outdoor element, it goes through damage while it ages.

If the chimney crown breaks or cracks, it cannot perform its job effectively. This is the defensive tactic to prevent snow from pouring down inside the structure and going into your home. When you are inspecting the chimney at the beginning of the season, make sure that you are also checking for crown damage. This component should be replaced if you see breaks so you can protect the structure during winter.

Chimney Flashing

The chimney has a metal part and it is mainly a waterproof seal between the chimney and the roof. Installation is hard to perfect. It is not strange for a chimney leak to be the exact result of damaged or improperly installed flashing. Ensuring the chimney flashing’s effectiveness is one of the reasons why you should schedule a yearly chimney inspection based on recommendations.

Weatherproof Your Chimney

The masonry will hold the chimney bricks together, which is very porous, making it prone to moisture. The more water your chimney absorbs, the higher chance it will erode and break down. Waterproofing materials can easily be added to the exterior of the chimney to prevent moisture from penetrating. After a chimney inspection that has deemed your structure to be very sound, you need to have a clean exterior cleaned and contact a professional to apply weatherproofing.

You must also take note that chimneys with moisture-proof stones can still be damaged by water. That is because they need a mortar base between stones to create the chimney structure.

Repair the Mortar

The brick and mortar are an important part of holding the chimney together. The mortar is responsible for connecting each brick. While your chimney can last a long time, the mortar’s lifespan is shorter. In case this begins to crack or flake away, it will create moisture and water paths so that it can seep into your chimney and brick.

If you see cracks in the mortar, you do not really have to rebuild a part of the structure. You will find companies that offer chimney repair services where technicians will do a thorough check that got damaged or cracked to save you money for rebuilding.

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Use a Cricket for Diverting Water

Melting snow and rainwater creates a serious run-off that will likely sweep past the chimney. Protecting it from the flow is important to structural integrity. The easiest way is to install a diverter called a cricket. It can simply be fixed so that means there is a difference between the chimney standing tall or water folding when under pressure.

You can contact chimney sweep  anytime before winter to have your chimney cleaned and inspected.    

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The post How to Keep Snow from Going Inside Your Chimney first appeared on First Class Chimney Services.

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