Month: July 2019

4 Reasons To Get Your Chimney Inspected by Southern Chimneys. 

If you’re currently cleaning your house and taking stock of what needs repairs, be sure to remember there’s a giant, important part of your home that you probably haven’t even thought to clean. 

It’s your chimney!

Oh yeah…your chimney. Boost your chimney and fireplace performance by getting yours inspected now!

Four reasons now’s the time!

  1. Keep your home smelling fresh.
    Ever heard of creosote? It’s the buildup that comes from wood fires and turns into dark, cruddy deposits in your chimney. Creosote sitting there in your chimney and it’s going to create a terrible odor that will spread all throughout your house. 
  2. Make sure your home’s safe…
    …from critters. Chimneys are also common entry points for a variety of unwanted pests, ranging from squirrels to birds. A properly installed and inspected chimney cap, pan, or shroud will prevent these pesky critters from entering your property and causing problems. 
  3. Don’t let the water in.
    All of that rainy weather can cause water damage from the buildup of moisture in your chimney. In fact, with the record rainfall we had over the winter, water might already be puddling up in there. Your chimney can collect debris and water just like your gutters do. Make sure they’re as clean as can be before things get even worse. 
  4. Get ahead of things.
    Be prepared for upcoming service needs and long-term maintenance. If you get your chimney inspected now and find that there’s damage that needs repairing by fall/winter, you now have a little more time to act. Prevent chronic issues and costly repairs by spotting and fixing problems early.

Feel as fresh, clean, and smart as possible. Give Southern Chimneys a call today. Our technicians will complete an inside and out 18-point inspection and complete a consultation to address and discuss any issues or concerns. 




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Learn More About Your Old Chimney

In our area of Boston, North Shore, and Portland, there is a lot of history. Our communities are filled with historical buildings and homes. If you’re a homeowner in the area, you may have a historical home and it’s likely that you also have an old chimney. If you have just acquired your home you may not know much about it! At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep, we get a lot of calls about historic chimneys, and they get a bad rap. In fact, there are a lot of interesting features to old chimneys that many just don’t understand. Here are our favorites:

Ash Pitsseveral chimneys in a row

You may be surprised to find a trap door at the back of the firebox floor. This is not a secret escape or treasure trove, but a pit where past homeowners would shovel and scrape ashes. Many present-day homeowners still utilize this ash pit, and some may even have an easy-access clean-out door. These pits are usually constructed with the home’s foundation and are just as durable, When you use the ash pit, you can have it emptied periodically by your trusted chimney professional and never have to bother with bucketloads and storage of ashes.

Multiple Stacks

In the past, the number of chimneys, or “stacks” was an indication of how many bedrooms were in the home. The more stacks, the more prestigious the home. Today, you may not want to use all of these fireplaces. In fact, you can update them all to a more efficient option when you plan with a professional. Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep can swap your old wood-burning fireplace with a new gas-fueled insert that will neither damage the existing hearth and chimney nor detract from the historical aspects of your home. Our inserts are top-of-the-line units that burn gas or wood, depending on our customer needs. When installed by a professional, you can bet it will add style and beauty to one or more old chimneys.

Chimney Pots

Many historic chimneys are topped with chimney pots. Though, not in use as much today, these chimney pots extend the height of the flue and narrow the stack, creating a better draft upward. These tops date back to the Tudor Dynasty in Great Britain and have been used on every continent and are designed for beauty and function. In addition to helping the chimney work better, it also protects the flue against water damage.

Do you have a historic chimney that needs a little TLC? We can help. At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep we specialize in historic chimneys, and we love to help homeowners find the love and beauty in these old systems.

When you depend on us for your comprehensive chimney care, we will help to bring your chimney system up to code, work to make it as safe and efficient as possible, and do so at a price affordable to our valued customers.

Call Billy Sweet Chimney at 617-469-4528 and schedule your chimney assessment and maintenance today.

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The Repercussions of Painting Your Chimney

Whether you were inspired by HGTV or you simply wanted a fresh look for your home, you may have painted your brick chimney at one point or another. While painting your chimney is a decorative upgrade to bring new personality to your curb appeal, the truth is that it can backfire on you down the road.

painting your chimney

Bricks Need to Breathe

When you cover your chimney with a coat of paint, you are sealing up the pores of the brick. While this doesn’t seem like a big deal, the problem comes down to moisture. Moisture becomes trapped inside the bricks because the paint is blocking it from escaping. This ultimately creates moisture buildup.

Keep in mind that brick sealant can have the same effect. You’ll need a sealant that protects the brick but still allows moisture to escape. Otherwise, you will have the same issue as painting your chimney.

The Dangers of Trapped Moisture

When moisture gets trapped from painting your chimney, one of the first elements it can affect is the mortar. Eventually, the mortar will break down and the structural integrity of the chimney will suffer. If this damage goes undetected, even further damage can arise or the chimney may eventually begin to crumble.

Not only does decaying mortar pose a threat to the chimney’s structure, but moisture can make its way inside your home. When you don’t have enough mortar on your chimney, it becomes easy for water to enter. Interior water damage can manifest in problems such as peeling of the walls, stains on the walls and ceilings, and even mold. You will likely spend a significant amount of money repairing these issues.

More Problems During Freezing Weather

If moisture problems aren’t enough during the spring and summer, more issues will arise during the winter. Trapped moisture will contribute to the freeze and thaw cycle as the chimney expands and contracts. This can result in spalling, which is where pieces of brick fall from the chimney. You might also discover a rusty firebox or a cracked chimney crown.

Should You Paint Your Chimney?

Before you pick up a paintbrush, it’s wise to contact a chimney contractor for professional advice. Allow us to inspect your chimney and provide advice on making it (and perform) its best!

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No matter who installs or provides maintenance to your chimney, water erosion is always going to be your WORST enemy. Wisconsin winters can hide shards of ice in our rooftops that create long-lasting water damage effects.

Additionally, harsh rains and unmanaged chimneys cause natural erosion that is simply unavoidable. In a previous blog, we identify some of the most dangerous types of chimney damage and how to prevent it from costing you in repairs.

Of course, water is the main component for unnoticeable damage to a chimney. We have developed our way of finding and fixing all types of chimney damage before it is too late.

The question becomes:

“As a homeowner, what are a few common signs your chimney has suffered water damage?”

Search no further—at Quality Fireplace and Chimney Services we want to provide the answers that we think most homeowners need to know before they take the leap.

Dive into this short read so you can be aware and learn to identify problematic water damage.

Damaged Flue Ducts

First of all, we know the intrusive nature of water in a home. It can cause:

  • Molding and rotting
  • Leaky roofing
  • Dank smells
  • Warped floors
  • etc.

Throughout the years, we have been told or have noticed that the most forgotten part of the home is often the chimney. This is because the chimney looks like a strong part of your home’s core. While this may seem true, the interior of the chimney (called the flue) is quite fragile.

Flues, or ducts, are generally made of clay or metal. Both of those materials are susceptible to water damage without proper care. You would never be able to see the damage until it shows itself as something uglier.

We recommend a yearly inspection or “Chimnoscopy” to ensure that the harsh weather conditions didn’t make their way into your chimney.

Cracked Masonry

Developing cracks in a chimney is a common occurrence. As aforementioned, most chimney risks are to be expected but often forgotten.

Luckily, that is not the case for cracked masonry —which is usually the MOST expensive repairs to incur. We can easily see cracks in the chimney masonry which should be the first place you look if you have recently developed a leak.

The repairs on a masonry project can vary depending on the time it takes to become noticed. One little crack can turn into a crumbling decay if not appropriately maintained.

Unknown Leaks

There is no surprise to the numerous home projects that arise after purchasing a home. But does that mean you can DIY your way through unknowable leaks?

Some leaks don’t have to originate from the chimney to grow toward the chimney. Water is a finicky thing when it comes to building materials…and when you combine that with freezing temperatures?! It is NOT FUN.

There is always a fix for any sized project. In the case of unknown leakage… well, you are usually just going to have to ride it out until the leak is easy to identify. Again, yearly inspections can help you find and eliminate problem areas before they become a total restoration.

Firebox Condensation

If you have lived through a Wisconsin summer you know that it can be HOT. This dramatic change in heat difference can help you spot water damage in a chimney. The brick and mortar will show signs of “Sweating” which can impact the brickwork throughout the home.

Condensation doesn’t always mean you have chimney damage but it is worth taking a look. More times than not – we find that it is simply just the brick sweating out a few days worth of moisture. Yet, when it becomes a routine—you have likely have encountered a structure leak.

Warped or Broken Wooden Siding

Waterproofing on wooden siding is usually temporary and starts to deteriorate after years of rain and snow. If you notice any warpage on your shingles or wood siding you should get an inspection immediately. Warping generally will not occur until the warmer months since the moisture damage will start to rot.

Broken or Missing Chimney Cover

It sounds so simple, yet we see so many chimneys that have defective chimney covers or NOT HAVE ONE AT ALL!

No matter if your a “cup is half full” or “cup half empty” kind of person… we guarantee that all of the water that hits your chimney without a cover is going inside. Having a chimney without a cover installed isn’t as common nowadays, but we still occasionally meet customers who just didn’t have any idea they needed it!

Have we convinced you to get an inspection yet? If not, read our other article about the many benefits that come from good fireplace cleaning.

Contact us today and get your annual inspection booked so you can have peace of mind. Quality Fireplace & Chimney Service Professionals are CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps and operate using industry best practices! Don’t forget to refer a person to Quality Fireplace and when they complete service, we’ll send you a check for $25.00!

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Top 3 Chimney Problems to Watch for in Summer

Chimney problems can occur all year long. Just because it’s
summer, and you’re not using the chimney doesn’t mean all is well.

On Saturday, we went to some friend’s house for a barbeque.
I must say it was wonderful, as everyone brought some great dishes. It’s a single-story
home with a very well attended backyard. It was so relaxing to sit outside
enjoying the company of friends.

After a while, I kept hearing a buzzing sound. (Yes, I did
consider the tasty drinks as the source, but others heard it too.) We were
looking around trying to figure out where the buzzing sound was coming from.
Since we were on the back patio, I noticed that the chimney was close by. As I
got closer, I noticed the noise getting louder. I went into their garage,
pulled out the ladder and climbed up to get closer to the chimney. The buzzing sounds.
A bee’s nest built very nicely in the bricks and inside the chimney.

Here are the top 3 chimney problems to watch for during the summer months:

  1. Unpleasant smells
    or odors coming from the chimney. Read
    the last post.
    We went into detail on the causes of fireplace odor smells.
  2. Unwanted critters such as animals, bees, wasps,
    birds along with their ‘left behinds’ or if they passed away in your chimney.
  3. Damage to the chimney flashing or chimney
    from high winds and heavy storms.

Not tending to these top 3 chimney problems in the summer can lead to more serious problems if left unattended. Call Superior Chimney to take care of any problems you heard, smelled or seen.  877-244-6349

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Why Do You Need a Chimney Cap?

chimney capYour chimney is built using different components to help it function correctly and efficiently. While a chimney seems like a simple structure, leaving small elements out, such as a chimney cap, can result in several disadvantages. Before you decide to forego your chimney cap, keep the following considerations in mind:

Prevent Water from Entering Your Home

One of the primary functions of a chimney cap is to keep water out of your home. When it rains, moisture can easily enter the flue – especially if there no chimney cap in place. Without the chimney cap, moisture makes its way inside the chimney, as well as, the attic. Eventually, undetected moisture damage can lead to stains on the walls and ceilings. While mold and mildew growth may also occur as a result.

It’s also a Spark Arrestor

A spark arrestor is designed to prevent the emission of flammable debris from combustion sources.  A properly sized chimney cap can also ask as a spark arrestor keeping the sparks generated from the fire contained and prohibiting them from igniting the roof or nearby trees.

Keep Critters Outside

Not only do you need to worry about the elements and smoke causing problems with the chimney, but there is also another culprit to consider—critters! When you install a chimney cap with mesh, it keeps many kinds of animals outside and out of your chimney.

If your chimney is missing a cap, it provides a direct entry point inside of your home. You can find all kinds of animals deciding to make their chimney your home, ranging from raccoons to birds. Sometimes birds accidentally fly into the chimney and get stuck, unable to escape and can die inside of your chimney.

Do We Recommend a Chimney Cap? Yes!

We know a thing or two about chimneys, and having a chimney cap in place is highly recommended. We’ve seen some major headaches that could potentially be avoided if there was a chimney cap installed. If you already have one on your chimney, give yourself a pat on the back. However, it’s important to ensure that your chimney cap (and the rest of your chimney) is in tip-top shape. We provide chimney inspection and chimney sweeping all throughout the year. Contact us to learn more.

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Summer Chimney Problems: What to Look For

In summer as much as in winter, chimneys should not be ignored because a lot can go wrong. Chimneys are highly vulnerable to moisture, and many other potential problems can occur.

Summer is really the best time to call about chimney problems because you will beat the extremely busy fall scheduling!

Just to help you know what to look for, here is a list of common summertime problems to be aware of:

  • Unpleasant smells could be coming from your chimney. They could be the result of moisture mixed with the toxic creosote in the chimney flue.  The smell may become more noticeable because of the heat and humidity of the season.
  • Bad odors can also be related to the presence of an animal trapped in your chimney. The smell could be animal droppings or the horrendous odor caused by a dead animal that couldn’t get back out of the chimney.
  • You could get an insect infestation in your chimney, such as bees.
  • The high winds and heavy storms of summer could damage the chimney flashing or chimney crown. If these problems aren’t discovered and repaired much more serious damage can occur, such as a moisture-damaged roof structure or deteriorating chimney masonry.
  • In summer each year, birds called chimney swifts migrate from South America to various parts of the U.S. These birds that are naturally drawn to chimneys are federally protected. Homeowners are required by law to leave swifts alone until they migrate after a few weeks, during which time baby swifts are hatched and grow.
  • If you don’t have a chimney cap with wire mesh, other animals might also climb into your chimney, such as raccoons, snakes, squirrels, or rats. Having a chimney cap installed can keep all these creatures out of your chimney.
  • If your chimney has been infiltrated by moisture, the bricks can deteriorate. Eventually, the chimney will collapse if repairs aren’t made.

summer chimney problems

Does your chimney look like this?  Notice the flashing, brickwork, and cap!

You can schedule your annual chimney inspection and cleaning

or feel free to call us at (781) 893-6611.

The post Summer Chimney Problems: What to Look For appeared first on Boston's Best Chimney.

Leaks and Crown Repair

If you are a homeowner in the Boston, North Shore, or Portland area, you may have a chimney that has taken on winter damage. This type of damage may first manifest as a chimney leak or roof leak, but it’s likely a result of winter damage. Most likely the chimney crown is the problem.

The Chimney Crownwhite chimney with blue sky

The chimney may be the largest system in your home, but it can be brought down by water intrusion. In fact, water can destroy a chimney system from the inside out. This damage leads to rust, stains, odors, mold growth, deterioration, shortened chimney life, and more. The chimney crown is an important component that helps to prevent water intrusion and damage. When the chimney crown is constructed improperly, it can become damaged over time due to sunlight and weather exposure. The crown, which is supposed to protect the chimney from the flue opening all the way to the edge of the chimney can become cracked, begin flaking, and even crumble. When the crown becomes damaged, the water from rain and snowfall can go directly into the chimney causing water damage and leaks throughout the entire house.

Diagnosing the Chimney Crown

If your chimney seems to be leaking, it’s time to call a professional. We will check all the parts of the chimney system that might be the cause of the leak. If the crown has cracks, gaps, or flaking, it will definitely contribute to a leak and will need to be fixed. Fortunately, if the crown is made from the appropriate materials and is the right size and shape, it will not have to be recast. We can fix a chimney crown fairly easily, getting your system back to working order before burn season. In order to fix a broken crown, there are two options:

  • We can cover the entire chimney crown in a waterproof sealant which closes up all the gaps and cracks, restoring the crown back to proper function.
  • We can construct a completely new custom crown with the appropriate slant, thickness, and drip edge to conduct optimal water flow away from the chimney.

Prevent Damage Before It’s Too Late

You can prevent water damage and even prevent the need for a new crown construction by scheduling routine chimney sweeps and annual inspections. Your chimney expert will get a good look at your crown during these preventative service appointments, and minor repairs can be made before major damage occurs. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), chimneys that are serviced and inspected annually are the safest and efficient. At Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep we know that chimneys that are serviced regularly and repaired as needed are also the longest lasting chimneys.

Schedule your routine service or chimney crown repair with Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep today. Call us at 781-593-2333 or stop by our Boston, North Shore, or Portland location.

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Hurry! 6 Reasons You Need to Think About Your Chimney This Summer

Chimney Inspecting and Chimney Cleaning in Atlanta is Best in Summer!

We’re having record high heats as you read this so you might be wondering how exactly your chimney is important in the summer. While you might be in shorts and flip-flops, your chimney is still working…always ready to keep your home comfortable and protected. It might now be blowing smoke, but it’s definitely storing some residue and it may even be housing some neighborhood birds. 

Getting your chimney inspected this summer will have you ready for winter before anyone else since companies like Southern Chimneys start getting really busy around September. The summer months are reserved for smart, proactive homeowners who know to call and take care of things before bookings start to fill up. 

Here’s why your chimney inspection should be scheduled in summer: 

Think of having your chimney inspected in August like the opposite of a summer vacation…a nice, off-season vacation at Universal Studios or Disney. The lines are shorter, you save time, and you get a little extra attention from the employees in the Goofy suit. Well, Southern Chimneys won’t show up in a dog costume, but we will give you a little extra attention in the summertime. You get the metaphor. 

6 Reasons to get your chimney serviced in the summer:

  1. Easier Appointment – get peace of mind knowing you’re handling things before it’s too late. 
  2. Keep the Critters Out – no, really. You’d be surprised who likes to hang out in an unused chimney. 
  3. Safety – keeping things clean protects you from fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.
  4. Catch problems early – proactive people don’t have to worry about the extra cost that comes with putting things off. 
  5. Remove the funk (and smoke damage) – believe it or not, that built up residue inside your chimney will produce a smell over time and the more you clean, the less it builds up.
  6. It’s a mess – You do not want to do this yourself. 

Hurry up and call Southern Chimneys! Remember, by September winter bookings start to fill up. Let us get you ready for winter this summer. 


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