Month: February 2020

Winter Maintenance Tips for Your Home

There are many issues that can arise during the winter months—things that affect the bills you pay and the safety of your home. The problems that affect your home this winter are not always caused by your fire appliance, your heater, or even neglect. Many problems arise because of weather, storms, damage, or other things entirely out of our control. In order for our customers to have the safest home possible this winter and every winter, we recommend these tips.

Gutters and Drainswinter house with snow

Gutters and outside drains are great assets during freezing winters and wet springs. However, if they aren’t properly maintained, they can become a hazard. Leaves and debris left inside gutters and drains can cause a clog, allow your water flow to stall and freeze, and even lead to leaks and water damage outside the gutter system. A gutter problem doesn’t just affect the roof, eaves, and house. An overflowing or damaged gutter can lead to washout and damage to your landscaping and direct rainwater to your basement and foundation instead of designated drainage areas.

Weatherizing Windows

The only windows that do not need to be weatherized are those that are double-pane storm windows. There are specific models and brands of windows that will insulate your home despite the outside weather and temperature, but these windows are expensive and not usually in older homes. If you have a standard single-pane window, it should be properly winterized in order to save you money and prevent damage.

Screen Removal – If your windows have an outer screen, the screen should be removed during winter prep. Leaving the screens in the window can allow water to pass through the screen and then freeze against the window and the window sill. This not only leads to a temperature drop but also can ruin a wooden window frame and sill. Remove the screen and store upright in a storage closet, basement, or attic.

Storm Window Panes – If your single-pane windows have a screen, look around the basement and attic for replacement storm windows. These panes slip right into the space where the screen is removed. If your windows do not have storm window panes, remove the screen and plastic over your windows for insulation.

Window Insulation – Whether you have storm windows or simple single-pane windows, you can still add clear plastic insulation to your windows to help keep the cold out and keep your warm air in. You can hire someone to winterize your windows or purchase a window insulation kit at your local home improvement store to improve your home’s heat efficiency.

Lawn Maintenance

By the end of summer, we are excited to be finished with lawn care. We’re excited for the leaves to begin falling and celebrate as we put that weed trimmer and lawnmower in the shed for the winter. While we as homeowners are understandably finished with lawn care when autumn arrives, it’s important to trim your lawn before winter is in full force. Oftentimes, the grass stops growing, so we fail to cut it one last time. This makes raking more difficult when necessary and can hide hazards beneath high grass and then snow as fall turns to winter and winter to spring. Cutting your grass before winter arrives will mean a seamless transition back to spring and summer and will mean a healthier lawn and healthier microorganisms that help cultivate healthy soil.

Air Duct and Dryer Vent Maintenance

During winter months, we use air ducts and dryer vents more often than other times of the year. You may not even realize it, but you are likely spending more time than ever indoors, breathing recycled air that has been moving through your HVAC system over and over. You are also likely using the clothes dryer more often than in warmer months if you use a clothesline during the warmer months.

Whatever the reason, these systems are being used, and are oftentimes neglected. In order for a more efficient and safer central air and heating system, make sure you have your air ducts cleaned and sanitized as needed. When the system is maintained properly it will use less energy, will cycle and filter the air in your home better, and will last longer. Similarly, the clothes dryer vent will work better when it is cleaned annually. Not only will a clean dryer vent keep your family safe this winter, but it will help your dryer work better, work safely, use less energy, and last longer. Running your dryer multiple times for one load of clothes is a sign that there is a problem—and it’s a sign that costs you money! Schedule dryer maintenance now and see how much it saves you.

Chimney and Fireplace Maintenance

Homes that have a fireplace and chimney system are safer when they are maintained properly. Don’t take our word for it! The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) both agree that the safest and most efficient chimney systems are those that are cleaned regularly and inspected annually. Ideally, a homeowner would schedule these important services before the burn season, but it isn’t too late.

Residents in Boston, North Shore, and Portland area can call and schedule a sweep or inspection with Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep anytime, year-round. Our aim is to make safe homes and warm hearths. Dial 617-469-4528 or contact us online.

The post Winter Maintenance Tips for Your Home appeared first on Billy Sweet Chimney Sweep.

Spring is around the corner! Is Your Chimney Ready?

Every so often lately, the sun peeks out from behind those winter clouds and the rain lets up for an afternoon and you start to feel it…spring is right around the corner. As the temperature starts to climb into the 60s and the days become thankfully longer, you can be super-prepared for spring and get a jump on protecting your home this year.

Is your 2020 chimney inspection scheduled?

Oh yeah…your chimney. If you think about it, your chimney was working its hardest over the last few months. Now is the perfect time to see what –if any– damage all the cold weather and rain did to things. A springtime chimney inspection and a possible chimney sweep can prevent disasters that will affect your home all the way into next winter. Take advantage of your spring cleaning impulse and boost your chimney and fireplace performance by getting yours inspected now!

But why spring? Here’s why now’s the time!

  1. Keep your home smelling fresh.
    Ever heard of creosote? It’s the buildup that comes from wood fires and turns into dark, cruddy deposits in your chimney. Creosote sitting there in your chimney and, as the weather warms up, it’s going to create a terrible odor that will spread all throughout your house.
  2. Make sure your home’s safe…
    …from critters. Chimneys are also common entry points for a variety of unwanted pests, ranging from squirrels to birds. A properly installed and inspected chimney cap, pan, or shroud will prevent these pesky critters from entering your property and causing problems.
  3. Don’t let the water in.
    All of that rainy weather can cause water damage from the buildup of moisture in your chimney. In fact, with the record rainfall we had over the winter, water might already be puddling up in there. Your chimney can collect debris and water just like your gutters do. Make sure they’re as clean as can be before things get even worse.
  4. Take advantage of off-season schedule.
    Honestly, the smartest customers take advantage of a spring chimney inspection because they’re also taking advantage of it being our “off-season”. It’s a less-busy time for chimney services than say, early fall when everyone suddenly starts remembering they have chimneys. It’s easier to schedule around your own schedule if you call us now.
  5. Get ahead of things.
    Be prepared for upcoming service needs and long-term maintenance. If you get your chimney inspected now and find that there’s damage that needs repairing by fall/winter, you now have a little more time to act. Prevent chronic issues and costly repairs by spotting and fixing problems early.

Feel as fresh, clean, and smart as possible this spring. Give Southern Chimneys a call today. Our technicians will complete an inside and out 18-point inspection and complete a consultation to address and discuss any issues or concerns.

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Warning Sign It’s Time to Replace or Repair a Wood Stove

A wood stove is a reliable, affordable, and efficient source of home heating. Your wood stove will provide years of warmth, but like any other heating appliance, they will eventually need to be repaired or replaced. Deciding whether to repair or replace the wood stove will depend on the availability of parts, cost, and condition of the stove. Here are three warning signs that it’s time to replace or repair your wood stove.

wood stove fireplace, Tolland CT


Warping is a tell-tale sign to replace a wood-burning stove. The gases created during combustion and the high temperatures in the stove can eventually cause the iron or steel frame to warp. You may notice warping along the sides and bottom of the stove as well as around the edges of the door. Warping is a serious issue because it’s an indication that the wood stove is weakening.  Warping will only get worse. As the stove weakens further, the metal components will start to crack and split apart, allowing oxygen and moisture to get inside, which will reduce its ability to keep your home warm. Warping is a structural issue that cannot be repaired. Your best option is to replace the wood stove. 

Door Won’t Close

The wood stove door must be completely closed for optimum efficiency. When it doesn’t close all the way, it not only reduces heating efficiency, it degrades indoor air quality and increases the risk of carbon monoxide exposure. There is a rubber gasket attached to the stove door. It forms an airtight seal when the stove door is closed. When the stove door gasket is warped or cracked, it creates gaps around the door, allowing air to enter. Replacing the door gasket is usually an easy repair if the part is readily available. There could also be other issues or damages that may require the door to be repaired or replaced. It often makes more economic sense to replace the wood stove than continually making repairs to an old stove.

Wood Burning Stove Tolland CTExcessive Creosote

Creosote is a natural by-product of combustion. It adheres to the interior of the wood stove. If the stove is not cleaned regularly, the creosote will get progressively worse. In its first stage, the creosote is a powdery substance like dust and is removed with minimal effort. As the creosote progresses into the second stage, it turns into tarry flakes. Your chimney sweep may need to use special tools and equipment to clean the wood stove thoroughly. In its final stage, the creosote is a thick and tarry material that is extremely difficult to remove. It is also highly flammable, and there is an increased risk of a fire. A raging fire in a wood stove can cause warping and corrosion, not to mention the risk of spreading to other parts of your home. When excessive creosote cannot be removed entirely, it is time to replace the wood stove.


Contact us today to learn more about how to care for your home’s Wood Stove!

Northeastern Chimney, Inc.
37 Cody Street, West Hartford, CT 06110
Phone: 860-233-5770

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Do I Really Need A Chimney Cap?

A properly installed chimney cap is a must to prevent headaches down the road (and little critters running through your home). A chimney cap will prevent animals from entering your home, keep excess moisture out, and protect the roof from burning embers that could potentially start a house fire.

Even though a chimney cap is a minor and relatively inexpensive installation, many homeowners question whether it is necessary or not. The truth is that this small amount of metal protecting your chimney can prevent numerous mishaps from taking place and save a homeowner thousands of dollars in unnecessary chimney repair or damage expenses.

chimney capKeeps the Animals Away

During the cooler months, animals walking along your roof will feel the warmth around the chimney from the fire below. For this reason, they will make their nests close or inside the small and comforting space of the chimney flue. It doesn’t take long for an unwelcome family of critters to move into your chimney. Squirrels can create a 4-foot deep nest in less than 24 hours! Installing a simple chimney cap with mesh siding will prevent these animals from homesteading within your residence.

Bird and squirrel nests built in the open space of a flue will create obstructions blocking the path of smoke and flue gasses exhausting through the chimney. With large animal nests in the way, though, these harmful gases will end up backing up into the rooms of your home. This backup can cause smoke and soot damage and even carbon monoxide poisoning.

What Are the Effects of Moisture?

Rain, snow, and ice all create problems for your chimney if they are allowed in the chimney flue. Moisture causes deterioration problems within the structure, and when mixed with certain types of soot, it can become even more harmful to the inside structure of your chimney. The freezing and melting of ice and snow are especially hard on the masonry chimney walls, chimney crown, and chimney liner. This freeze and thaw cycle can cause severe problems, such as cracks in the structure during the winter months, which often leads to costly repairs. Therefore, it is best not to allow the excess moisture into the chimney in the first place by diverting the elements away from the chimney with a chimney cap that is properly sized for your chimney.

Why Protect Against Embers

Along with smoke, burning embers from the fire below can pass through the flue before they are extinguished. These burning ashes escape out of the top of the chimney and can start a fire on your roof. These problems are entirely avoidable with the addition of a chimney cap with spark guard to prevent the burning particles from escaping.

Please schedule your chimney inspection and get your chimney cap installed today!

The post Do I Really Need A Chimney Cap? appeared first on Boston's Best Chimney.

Why frequent chimney sweep and maintenance is necessary?

Chimney Cleaning

Having a fireplace for those cold winter months can really cut back on heat costs and provide a nice centerpiece to any home. Keeping your fireplace cleaned and maintained is very important, though. If your chimney isn’t properly inspected and cleaned, it can be a danger to you and your family. The NFPA says heating elements are the second leading cause of house fires. Build-up of soot in the chimney makes for an easy way to start a fire and not to mention bad news for your lungs.

Chimney Inspection

Hiring a chimney contractor to come do a thorough sweep of your chimney is required if you want to make regular use of your chimney, without the dangers mentioned previously. You can stay on top of things with regular inspections, which prevent having to pay for costly cleaning fees when the soot is really built up. These inspections should be done annually, at the very least. If your chimney is well-maintained, all that is required is a visual inspection with a regular sweep.

Chimney Maintenance

If your chimney fails the initial flashlight test and the chimney company determines that the soot build-up is high enough to need more than a simple brush from below, it’s going to cost a bit more for a thorough cleaning, requiring access from the roof. Also, during any cleaning, you will need to schedule a time where the family is outside of the house, as the fumes from loose soot are hazardous to your health. Inspection of the chimney and roof are given before and after cleaning, to determine any structural damage that may need repair.

If it is determine that the structural integrity of your chimney is compromised, then your chimney contractor may advise rebuilding the walls of the chimney. This is typically something that only happens if your house has experienced an earthquake or chimney fire. The costs aren’t quite as high, usually, than, for example, a major roof repair job. Unless, of course, your roof was also affected.

Paying for regular maintenance of your chimney may just seem like yet another fee or bill to pay as a homeowner, but the values of having a chimney can far outweigh the costs. The time it takes to inspect and to do a quick cleaning is only a few hours, which saves you even more time from needing an emergency chimney cleaning after years of neglect.

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5 Chimney Basics Every Homeowner Needs to Know

Every homeowner needs to understand the basics of a chimney. Understanding the following five chimney basics will help ensure proper maintenance and care that will not only prolong its lifespan but will also help keep your home and family safe.

Chimney Inspection, Farmington CTChimney Inspection and Cleaning

Chimneys should be inspected and cleaned annually, according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). It is the best way to ensure your fireplace and chimney are structurally sound and safe for use. The most common inspection is a level 1 chimney inspection. During the inspection, a qualified chimney sweep will perform a visual inspection of the accessible areas of the fireplace and chimney.  It is a top to bottom examination of the chimney interior and exterior. The review will reveal any abnormalities or damages that need attention before they become more expensive repairs. The chimney sweep will also advise the homeowner if they recommend chimney cleaning.    

Regularly cleaning the chimney will make it easier to maintain the chimney, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of fire and exposure to carbon monoxide. Otherwise, excessive creosote can develop inside the flue, increasing the risk of fire. Fire safety experts report that most residential fires are due to excessive creosote build-up in the chimney. If you haven’t done so already, contact your chimney sweep to schedule a chimney inspection.

Flue Liner

Many masonry chimneys have a flue liner to protect the interior walls from the heat and corrosion of a fireplace or heating stove. It also helps contain the heat inside the chimney protecting the combustible parts of the home. Some older chimneys were built without a liner making the masonry more prevalent to heat-related damage. Terra cotta clay tiles are the most common liners. Clay tile liners do not absorb and distribute heat very well, making them prone to cracking. Damaged clay tiles should be repaired or replaced. Otherwise, there will be a degradation in heating efficiency and an increased risk of fire. There are also cast-in-place cement and stainless-steel flue liners available. Your chimney sweep will check the flue liner during a chimney inspection and will recommend repair or replacement when necessary. 

Chimney Cap

The chimney cap covers the flue opening to prevent moisture, debris, and small animals or pests from getting inside. Some caps also have a spark guard to keep hot embers from flying out of the flue and onto the roof. If the cap is damaged or missing, it should be immediately repaired or replaced. A damaged or missing cap will expose the flue to the external elements. For example, rain and snow can damage the masonry and internal components. Also, leaves, twigs, and small animals can clog the flue obstructing the venting of dangerous fumes, causing carbon monoxide to back-up into your living space. Aesthetically pleasing chimney caps with a wire mesh screen and spark guard are available that will help protect your flue from intruding moisture, debris, and small animals.

Burn Only Seasoned Firewood

It is recommended that homeowners only burn seasoned firewood in the fireplace or stove. Wood that has been “seasoned” or dried for at least six months has a much lower moisture content than “green” or fresh wood. The higher moisture content will create a smokier fire that will burn faster at cooler temperatures with more creosote. On the other hand, seasoned firewood burns hotter with less smoke and creosote. You will have a longer-lasting, more enjoyable fire, too.

Home with Chimney, New Britain CTDon’t Leave a Fire Unattended

Don’t forget to extinguish the fire before leaving your home or going to bed. It is not safe to leave a fire unattended. Putting out the fire is a simple, three-step process. First, use the fireplace poker to spread out the wood embers carefully. Next, use the fireplace shovel to scoop up the ash and cover the embers. Continue the process until the flames are extinguished. Finally, once the fire is entirely out, pour a baking soda over the ash. Just a thin layer will suffice.  


Contact us today to learn more about how to care for your home’s Chimney!

Northeastern Chimney, Inc.
37 Cody Street, West Hartford, CT 06110
Phone: 860-233-5770

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Effects of a Leaky Chimney

Your chimney and fireplace are designed to withstand the test of time if properly maintained and looked after. One of the most notorious variables in determining your chimney and fireplace’s longevity is its level of moisture resistance. A chimney with poor moisture resistance can mean costly repairs to your chimney and your home, time without your fire, and even the need for a complete rebuild!

Water Intrusion & Your Chimney

Whether you have a Pre-Fab or Masonry unit, your chimney is constructed of many materials, all of which are adversely affected by moisture. This means that if water penetrates your chimney’s exterior, it can destroy it from the inside out. A leaky chimney can result in:

  • Rusted chimney and fireplace components (damper, chimney flue, utility flue, gas line/valves)
  • Deteriorated metal or masonry firebox assemblies
  • Rotting internal or nearby wood framing
  • Water stained walls and ceiling
  • Stained chimney exterior
  • Decayed interior and exterior mortar
  • Cracked or deteriorated flue lining system
  • Collapsed hearth support
  • Tilted or collapsed chimney structure
  • Compromised chimney stability

A leaky chimney, if not repaired in a timely fashion, can cause immense damage to other areas of your home as well. Beyond the costly repairs that a leaky chimney can create, it can also create breathing/respiratory issues for family members; both with and without a history of respiratory problems. Once the moisture has made its way in, and warmer months set in, your home is now susceptible to mold/mildew/unwanted growth.

What You Should Do

Listen for the sounds of running water near your fireplace and chimney during heavier rains. Conduct your own visual inspection around the exterior of your chimney, from the ground, and take note if you notice any sort of discoloration or growth. If you hear or see evidence of water intrusion, call our office today so we can schedule your chimney and fireplace inspection!

What Southern Chimneys Will Do

Southern Chimneys will come out and conduct a full, 18-point inspection on your entire fireplace and chimney system. We will trace the water intrusion and we will get the issue resolved! We work alongside a team of skilled roofers and siding contractors, so in the chance that your water intrusion isn’t directly linked to the chimney, we will get you in contact with one of our partners!

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Looking for Options to Stay Warm? Your Chimney Looks Pretty Good.

Looking for Options to Stay Warm? Your Chimney Looks Pretty Good.

You never think it could happen in your chimney.

“I don’t use my
fireplace, so why get it cleaned and checked.”

“I installed a
chimney cap a few years back. It should be fine.”

“I don’t have any
trees around my house. I never hear or see any animals on my roof.”

Chimneys are a fan favorite with birds, squirrels, raccoons
and even bats. Chimney’s are warm and cozy, but also provides a level of
protection from predators, especially in early Spring. They are curious
creatures and will try to explore every little nook and cranny in and around
the chimney.

Just this past January, a squirrel made its way through a
connector pipe. He was quite smart, and kept himself still when our certified
technician was inspecting
a problem for a customer. In the first picture, the squirrel did not move. Not
sure if he/she was aware you can see his midsection. As our technician slowly lifted
the pipe, the squirrel continued to stay completely silent. If he can’t see
you, then you don’t see him…right?

If there’s a potential weak spot, animals have the ability
to find and exploit it. Here are some ways to protect your home and the animals

Do you have a chimney cap?

If you don’t use your fireplace, how often do you think
about a chimney cap?
A chimney cap can be made from stainless steel (doesn’t rust) or galvanized
steel (can rust over time) and covers the flue, or largest opening on your roof
that leads to the inside of your home. The wire mesh keeps the animals out
while the solid top redirects rainwater and debris from entering.

Why does the chimney cap need to be inspected each year?

chimney cap repair in Independence MO

chimney and the chimney
are the highest point of your home. It is constantly exposed to
heat/cold, wind, rain and snow. As a result, the screws (and cap) can rust, or
the screws can become loose. In addition, the chimney cap may not be installed
correctly or with the right materials. Lots of reasons can cause the chimney
cap to shift or move allowing that tiny space to become a perfect entry point
for animals.

Can any kind of chimney cap work?

certified technicians have seen many creative chimney caps. We’ve seen chimney
caps made from chicken mesh to a plastic crate with a brick on top, to hold it
in place when it gets windy. The best kind of chimney cap is one that is
properly fitted and secured to the chimney. Since our certified technicians
perform this work each day, it’s best to schedule one of our technicians to
install the chimney cap for you.

Contact us at 877-244-6349.

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Should I Replace or Repair My Wood Stove

A wood-burning stove is among the most efficient and affordable way to heat a home. When properly cleaned and maintained, a quality woodstove will provide years of reliable performance. But as it ages, you will eventually need to decide whether it’s better to repair or replace your wood-burning stove. The following guide will help to make that decision easier.

Excessive creosote accumulation

Wood Stove Cleaning in Overland Park, KSThe combustion of wood produces several natural by-products, including soot, ash, and creosote, to name a few. Creosote starts as a powdery substance but will turn into a thick, crusty, and highly flammable material that is extremely difficult to remove if allowed to accumulate. And if the wood stove is not regularly cleaned, the inside of your wood stove may look as if it is covered in burnt charcoal. When the amount of creosote is so excessive that it cannot be removed entirely, replacing the wood stove is the safest choice.

Rusting or corrosion

Quality wood stoves are constructed with solid iron or heavy gauge steel frame. As durable as these materials are, the gases of a wood-burning fire can be corrosive. Moisture created during condensation or water leaks can cause rusting, primarily where the frame is welded together. Also, there are low-quality imports that may look like iron, but in reality, use low-gauge steel, which is more prone to rust and corrosion. Since rust and corrosion weaken the integrity of the wood stove, it is best to replace it.

Warping or cracking

As you can imagine, the heat inside a wood-burning stove can be intense. And although its construction is designed to withstand high temperatures, all materials have its limits. After many years of reliable performance, you may notice warping or cracks inside the firebox or around the frame. Like rust or corrosion, this is a sign of weakening and is another indication that it’s time to replace your wood stove.

Wood Stove installation in Lenexa, KSSmokey fires

When you start to notice excessive smoke in the firebox, it is a sign of a potentially severe issue. The smoke and fumes are vented through the smoke pipe to an external vent or chimney. But when there is an obstruction, such as excessive creosote in the stovepipe or a blocked chimney or vent, smoke will back up into the wood stove. It can also result in exposure to dangerous carbon monoxide fumes. Burning unseasoned wood or woods with high moisture content will also cause excessive smoke and creosote.



You should have a qualified chimney sweep inspect your wood stove to determine the cause and make any necessary repairs.

Door seal failure

There is a rubber gasket attached to the stove door, so it will form an airtight seal when shut. When the gasket is warped, cracked, or otherwise damaged, it needs to be immediately replaced to prevent exposure to carbon monoxide and loss of heat. If the stove door gasket is no longer available for your model, the wood stove will need to be replaced.

Low heating efficiency

When the heating efficiency of a wood stove degrades, it will require more wood fuel to heat your home, thus increasing energy costs. You will also need to clean your wood stove more often. If your wood stove is not performing as efficiently as it should, its time to replace it with a more energy-efficient unit.

The post Should I Replace or Repair My Wood Stove appeared first on Fluesbrothers Chimney Service.

Perfect Places to Add a Fireplace to Your Home

There are times when it really pays to think outside the box. This includes when you are deciding where to install a brand-new fireplace. Thanks to innovative design measures in modern pre-fab fireplaces, it’s possible to add these beloved heating appliances just about anywhere. It makes a lot of sense for people who love fireplaces and want to cut heating costs by hundreds of dollars annually to install fireplaces in their most-used rooms; even if that isn’t the main living area where fireplaces are typically enjoyed. Zone-heating is a strategy for cost savings in winter. It works by installing a fireplace in the primary living areas of your home and using this alternative heat source to warm the most-used rooms instead of heating the whole house with a typical, forced-air central heating system.

The following are some of the places you may want to have fireplaces installed:

Master Bathroom

Fireplace installation in New Britain, CTSpa-like design has been trending for a while, making master bathrooms more beautiful than ever. A fireplace in the bathroom can provide an extra “wow factor” that makes your home feel like a veritable resort. Also, if you add a fireplace in your master bathroom, it would make you a design trendsetter! Even though a bathroom fireplace is a desirable feature among the majority of homebuyers surveyed, recent research revealed that only about 10% of all master bathrooms include a fireplace. This is an idea whose time has come.

Outdoor Living Area

A must-have feature among most homebuyers today is an outdoor living area, and an outdoor fireplace, in particular, has tremendous appeal. There are so many benefits to being outdoors, and a fireplace is like a magnet that draws friends and families together. Including a fireplace in your backyard can set the stage for a better home life complete with a lot more outdoor living.


For a while now, garages have been enjoyed for more than just parking automobiles and storing supplies for outdoor play. Whether your garage is also a man cave, workshop, or hobby room, imagine how much more enjoyable it would be with a fireplace. Rarely does a garage get in on the central heating that makes our homes so comfortable. A sleek, efficient fireplace can keep you toasty and warm while enjoying your garage activities in winter.

Multiple Bedrooms

Fireplace installation in Bristol, CTZone heating, as referred to above, makes the best sense when everyone’s bedroom is equipped with a fireplace. Bedrooms can be enjoyed more than ever as individualized personal sanctuaries when there’s a fireplace to keep you warm and provide an ambiance that feeds the soul. There’s something about a mesmerizing fire that makes it an old-world luxury anywhere, anytime.

The Kitchen

As open design has become the new norm in homes everywhere, one of the best benefits is that the open spaces make room for a fireplace in the kitchen. The kitchen is already the primary place where family and friends most love to gather. That pleasure only increases with a fireplace installed where all the food is prepared and where many hands make for lighter work.

Contact Northeastern Chimney LLC if you’re ready to have one or more fireplaces installed in your home. We are certified experts who can provide advice on choosing a new gas or wood fireplace plus we can professionally install your fireplace and provide reliable chimney maintenance services. Visit us at 37 Cody Street, West Hartford, CT, or call today at 860-233-5770.

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